Canadians are bracing for what could be the strongest storm to ever hit their country’s coast.“Every Nova Scotian should be preparing today and bracing for impact,” John Lohr, the minister responsible for the provincial Emergency Management Office, said in a Thursday news conference.Hurricane Fiona has lashed the Caribbean, is forecast to brush by Bermuda as a dangerous Category 3 storm and shows no signs of slowing before it slams into Canada on Saturday morning.“
This could be Canada’s version of (Hurricane) Sandy,” said Chris Fogarty, a meteorologist for Canada’s hurricane center, pointing to the size and intensity of Fiona and its combination of hurricane and winter-storm characteristics. Hurricane Sandy affected 24 states and all of the eastern seaboard, causing an estimated $78.7 billion in damage
Last edited by Spunky (9/22/2022 9:17 pm)
Yes, it’s the worst for Nova Scotia. Sign of the times. Down the road in PTown the ocean is choppy but not a cloud in the sky. It’s a magical day here. .