I’m glad they talked about that woman who shot her poor little dog. There was nothing kind or compassionate about what she did. Then she wrote about it, and when she was called out she decided to make excuses to justify what she had done…..and she also shot the goat she owned because it was mean…….give me a break!
Yeah….she’s a sicko…..hate to think about all the sick people out there.
She's proud of what she did....she needs to get her butt kicked
She deserves to be with the rump, they are both sick and disgusting !!!
zeke wrote:
Yeah….she’s a sicko…..hate to think about all the sick people out there.
That poor little dog could have been rehomed. The goat could have been given away too. There was nothing humane about shooting 2 animals, and her first shot didn’t kill the goat. She needed to go back her house to get more ammo.
Unbearable in my mind. She could probably kill a person, too, in my opinion.