This may be it possums.
This may be what finally brings Hillary to her knees.
Darrell Issa couldn't do it.
Trey Goudy failed, but now we have Michael Bay (the man behind the Transformers movies and other poorly reviewed action flicks such as Bad Boys and Armageddon, who once said of his own less-than-stellar reputation, "I make movies for teenage boys") and the "story" of how brave, young, beefy men with beards were thwarted from rescuing Benghazi personnel by a middle aged, out of shape, slightly effeminate bureaucrat.
If the movie is as bad as the trailer...
Well, here it is, judge for yourself.
I see Jim from "The Office", where's Dawight? LOL
Last edited by DollyLongstaff (1/05/2016 9:08 am)
I believe this is now having the reverse effect from what the GOP had planned. They've beaten this to death so many ways that I honestly think every mention of Benghazi helps Hillary more than it hurts her now.
It just shows how very little they have to use against her. They keep rifling through the same old deck of cards.
Yes, and RE-reading those darn can't make this stuff up...
Hillary is looking better to me.....haven't decided yet...what a dilemma
‘13 Hours’ Is Porn for Conspiracy Theorists.
Conspiracy theorists who believe Benghazi was an inside job or that Barack Obama is a gay Muslim are some of the staunchest supporters of Michael Bay’s new Benghazi-based explosion movie.
Straight guys will tell you, take your lady to a good explosion movie, buy her an XL, triple buttered bucket of pop corn and a super size unlimited refill of diet soda and you're in for some action of your own when you get back to the man cave.
Throw in some Raisinets and she may even toss your salad.
Last edited by DollyLongstaff (1/14/2016 8:51 am)
My favorite comment from a critic about 13 far.
"13 Hours Trades Truth for Explosions."
Last edited by DollyLongstaff (1/16/2016 9:12 am)
From: The Guardian
"Don’t tell me this movie isn’t political. Michael Bay’s Benghazi bonanza is timed for release just before the Iowa caucus and the New Hampshire primary. It’ll hit DVD in time for the general election. There are approximately 400,000 instances in this not-very-subtle screenplay where Fox News viewers are cued to hiss at a phantom Hillary Rodham Clinton, the right wing’s scapegoat for the missteps that kept the Benghazi outpost fighting so long without backup. As these brave men take fire, their inquiries about air support become a clear indictment against a perceived US policy of pussification."
Abhorrent politics aside, it’s also a terrible movie.
Last edited by DollyLongstaff (1/16/2016 9:23 am)
From The Daily Signal:
See the movie to be reminded of the character of the men and women who work every day to defend our country and of the consequences when leadership fails to provide the support they deserve.
No.1: There are only three women in the movie, none are soldiers.
No.2: Republicans are against women serving in dangerous combat situations.
Last edited by DollyLongstaff (1/16/2016 9:29 am)
"....a cool 90-minute action flick padded out into a lumbering ooh-rah male weepie. Overlong and at times ponderous, and prone to a slobs vs. snobs mentality that pits prissy CIA agents against the men’s men on their payroll".
’13 Hours’ Review: Michael Bay’s Benghazi Tale Has Way More Bullets Than Brains
Thanks to some first-rate action, Michael Bay’s 13 Hours only feels 6 hours long
The New York Times[/url] has called it “a pummeling slog.” [url= ]The Los Angeles Times says it’s “too long for its own good.” The Wall Street Journal calls it “grotesquely overblown.”
I Watched Bayghazi So You Don’t Have To.
Ahhhh, January. The cinematic dumping. A time for shitty horror movies, whatever the hell this is, and Michael Bay’s hard-hitting take on Benghazi, AKA proof sent down from heaven by JESUS HIMSELF that Hillary Clinton is evil and hates America and kicks puppies in her spare time.
Last edited by DollyLongstaff (1/19/2016 11:09 am)
An allegedly drunk man said he dropped his gun and accidentally shot a woman in the chest during a screening of 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi in Washington state.
Police arrested the man who was said to be "intoxicated" and "fumbling" with his firearm when it went off, leaving a 40-year-old woman in "serious condition".
A witness also at the showing of the new Republican truther favourite movie, who did not wish to be identified said:
"It got about 15-20 minutes into the film and I believe the lady in front of us that got shot was actually talking to her husband or significant other and that’s when we heard the loud pop."
Last edited by DollyLongstaff (1/24/2016 9:12 am)