Your post about Ash Wednesday is both ill informed and disrespectful.
Did you seriously not know that Ash Wednesday is observed not only by Catholics but by mainstream Protestant denominations also?
Making fun of one of the most solemn days in the Christian Church year is in very bad taste
Why on Earth would anyone make fun of Ash Wednesday? It is recognized by Episcopalians and Presbyterians as well as Catholics. I expect making fun of Muslims from certain people, but Christians as well now?
These are the types of people that Use their hate of being "politically correct" to say whatever hateful thing they want. That phrase "politically correct" is used too much these days. But really doesn't it just mean being tolerant of others?
I blame Donald Trump for bringing these vermin out of the woodwork. His followers are just as low class as he is.
How sad someone's life must be too spew so much hate!
Sam I so agree. Being PC is perfectly acceptable and appropriate. It is simply not using language that is hurtful or insulting to a whole group of people and it's important that we continue to be sensitive to each other. It does not mean that people can't voice their individual opinions about things.
Not on a soap box, just my little opinion.
Last edited by zeke (2/12/2016 11:19 pm)
I totally agree, zeke. My Mom taught me to speak respectfully to others.
But for all those that claim to be disgusted with being Politically correct, they certainly freak out if you tell them "how it really is". Those that cry about the war on Christmas or the war on Christianity. I suggest they look up the word tolerance.
Yes....tolerance on every level. When the issue of whether or not to allow continued displays of Christmas trees and Santas came up in my school district the School Board made the decision to allow EVERYONE to exhibit their displays holiday cheer. Everybody was happy and the controversy died.
Why not just let people be?