In case you didn’t hear, while HRC was endeavoring to appear to be a totally normal, everyday person in the state that elected her as a senator not once but twice, she like thousands, struggled to swipe her MetroCard and get through the turnstile.
Indeed, some people might see that moment as the real humanizing part of the whole publicity stunt, but it is hardly the first time a candidate or president has botched trying to appear so normal, so average, so in with the crowd.
Have we forgotten when President Gerald Ford visited San Antonio in 1976?
He picked up a tamale that was still wrapped in its husk and just bit right into it. This was branded “The Great Tamale Incident.”
President George H. W. Bush reportedly expressed amazement at the incredible technology known as grocery scanners and while some people insist this never happened, the incident absolutely damaged H.W.B.’s cred among the normal people.
Last edited by DollyLongstaff (4/07/2016 8:03 pm)