So, what did we learn about what it's like to live life as a Drumpf?
The CNN sponsored "snooze fest" started with "the Donald" whining about how unfairly he's being treated by GOP establishment "rules".
Then the children from two of his three wives offered a glowing eulogy of their dad; a 'living eulogy" if you will, since he's still alive.
Ivanka Trump: My dad is a great deal maker.
Melania Trump interjects: " Donald treats everyone equally.”
Donald Trump Jr.: talked about the frustration of the electorate after 2008 and 2012.
Eric Trump:My dad’s campaign is an amazing success story because he has only been in politics for eight months.
Also when asked about what he bonded with his father over, he answered work.
(Hard or regular?)
“We love building. We love concrete. We love jobs.”
(Who doesn't?)
Tiffany Trump (Marla's daughter):My father is a hard worker.
(Tiffany's currently "finishing up" college.)
Melania Trump: "If my beautiful son Baron could be here tonight he would tell you, Donald treats everyone equally.”
Ivanka Trump: The Trump family is not a family of politicians.
(That's why they forgot to register to vote for their old man.)
NB: Trump announced his candidacy on June 16, 2015. Eric and Ivanka are registerd in NY as Independents.
The deadline in NY for registered voters to change party enrollment was Oct. 9, 2015...June, July, August,September, October.......
Last edited by DollyLongstaff (4/13/2016 7:36 am)
Commercial break.
Part Two.
Ivanka Trump tried to solve her dad’s problem with female voters by saying, “I think the facts speak for themselves."
Eric Trump: My dad is authentic, he writes his own tweets.
The Donald: "When I'm in my office, I shout out tweet language to “one of the young ladies” who works there. After 7 p.m., though, I'm the master of my own account."
(Master of your twitter account maybe, but are you master of your domain???)
Melania Trump: " Donald treats everyone equally.”
(Where have we heard that line before? Oh yeah, from Melania about 50 times.)
(Somehow the Trumps have managed to do the impossible; make the Romneys seem real, warm and friendly.)
Last edited by DollyLongstaff (4/13/2016 7:11 am)
I couldn't even watch that last night. CNN has lost any Integrity they ever had IMO.
When does the circus leave town ?
Is it me or does Eric seem like someone profiled on Forensic Files? His smile freaks me out. I mean the entire family freaks me out, but Eric is a special kind of creepy IMO. Something tells me he wants to be just like daddy, including a run at potus. Now that is an apocalyptic scary thought!
Eric looks like he might fit in with the Duggars.
I feel dirty.