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4/15/2016 7:17 am  #1

Joe Paterno

Has anyone over at the nest heard how Joe Paterno's doing?
I heard DT ask a PA audience that question.
Not a big sports fan, but I thought JoePa was dead.

Back with a vengeance possums!

4/15/2016 10:12 am  #2

Re: Joe Paterno

HaHaha!!  Yeah I read that he sent him a "shout out"

Then they tried to back peddle...that remark

Donald Trump made a puzzling reference to the late Joe Paterno, Pennsylvania State University's former football coach, during a rally in Pittsburgh Wednesday evening."I know a lot about Pennsylvania, and it's great," Trump told a crowd of thousands at Pittsburgh's convention center. "How's Joe Paterno? We going to bring that back? How about that whole deal?"

Paterno died in 2012, just a few months after he was fired from Penn State in the aftermath of former assistant coach Jerry Sandusky's child sex abuse scandal.Pittsburgh, where several protests also broke out the night of Trump's rally, is home to the University of Pittsburgh Panthers, storied rivals of Penn State's Nittany Lions.  Penn State, located in State College, Pennsylvania, is a more than two hours' drive from Pittsburgh.

What an idiot!!! His crazy remarks just keep on coming...

Last edited by Spunky (4/15/2016 10:13 am)


4/17/2016 10:53 am  #3

Re: Joe Paterno

Which is precisely why he should not become president.  He says once the primaries are over he will become more presidential but I don't believe that will happen. I don't think he has the ability to be.  It would require an entire personality overhaul.  His nack for saying the most ridiculous, absurd things will cause international crisis for sure.

No matter how educated, talented, rich, or cool you think you are, how you treat people tells us all.  Integrity is everything.

4/20/2016 7:43 am  #4

Re: Joe Paterno

Donald Trump mistakenly thought Rex Ryan went to two Super Bowls with the Jets.“You know, he won championships in New York — AFC, I think, twice,” said Trump, who referred to Ryan as a “great coach” while addressing the crowd. “(He) always had these teams that were brutal, they were just good, great defense. I’ve been watching and I’ll tell you, you’re going to have a very, very good season this year. You watch.

Not quite. Ryan led the Jets to the AFC title game twice in the 2009 and 2010 seasons, but New York fell to the Colts and Steelers respectively in those years.

Nitpicking? Maybe, but this was at the same rally where he refrred to 9/11 as 7/11

Last edited by DollyLongstaff (4/20/2016 7:45 am)

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4/20/2016 8:06 am  #5

Re: Joe Paterno

This guy does not know how to prepare himself for discussion. Can you imagine him as President?


4/20/2016 11:50 am  #6

Re: Joe Paterno

I swear he gets his news & info from TMZ & the Enquirer.

I will not kneel before Zod. 

4/20/2016 12:07 pm  #7

Re: Joe Paterno

Maybe Melania translates the news from the Slovenia Times.

They have a lot of interesting stories...

Oberkrainer Polka Pioneer Slavko Avsenik Laid to Rest 

Thousands flocked to the Alpine village of Begunje na Gorenjskem today to bid the final goodbye to Slavko Avsenik the creator of the world-famous Oberkrainer polka and the country's most successful musician, whose band had sold more than 30 million records.

Oficiálne obrady začal s mäsovou vzhľadom k tomu, biskupom Antonom Jamník vo farskom kostole Begunje a bude nasledovať obradu v prednej časti historickej Avsenik rodiny home.Slavko Avsenik bude pochovaný s vojenskými poctami v malom cintoríne pri jeho home.Also sa zúčastňujeme smútočných obradov bol prezident Borut Pahor, ktorý je spôsobený riešiť udalosť v prednej časti domu Avsenik, 150-ročný krčma v centre najvyššími predstaviteľmi village.Other vyjadrili sústrasť, s premiér Miro CERAR zastavenie v Begunje pred odchodom do eurozóny summite v Bruseli neskôr today.Avsenik zomrel minulý týždeň vo veku 85 rokov.

The official ceremonies started with mass given Bishop Anton Jamnik in the Begunje parish church and will be followed by a ceremony in front of the historic Avsenik family home.Slavko Avsenik will be buried with military honours in a small cemetery near his home.Also attending the mourning ceremonies was President Borut Pahor, who is due to address the event in front of the Avsenik house, a 150-year old tavern in the centre of the village.Other top officials have expressed their condolences, with Prime Minister Miro Cerar stopping in Begunje before leaving for the eurozone summit in Brussels later today.Avsenik died last week at the age of 85.

He is the creator of Oberkrainer music, a distinctive polka, very popular in central Europe and among European expats in the Americas and Australia.The band he started with his brother Vilko in 1953 sold more than 30 million records across the world and recorded some 670 songs.

The Avsenik brothers produced more than 1,000 songs and their band played in front of millions of fans at thousands of concerts.One of their first songs, a polka entitled "Na golici" (Trompetenecho in German, Trumpet Echo in English), is believed to be the most often played instrumental song in the world and has become an iconic piece of Slovenian music.

Last edited by DollyLongstaff (4/20/2016 12:19 pm)

Back with a vengeance possums!
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4/20/2016 12:18 pm  #8

Re: Joe Paterno

 Donald Trump Hovory 9/11 " 7 - Eleven " Vzhľadom k tomu , Never Forget veľkými dúškami

Donald Trump bol agitující severnej časti štátu včera, a preukázať , že je spôsobilý byť najväčšou prezident tento svet kedy videl , urobil povinnú zmienku septembra 11 , 2001 útokov . Ale on bol vlastne na mysli samoobsluhe reťazca .

Povedal davu v Buffale , " Je to veľmi blízka môjmu srdcu , pretože som tam a pozoroval som naše políciu a naše hasičov dole na 7/11 , dolu na pravej strane World Trade Center po tom, čo zostúpil , a videl som najväčší ľudia , čo som kedy videl v akcii . "

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