Michaely posted:
hate to say it but trumps not going to have to do much to fix Obama care...this thing is collapsing as we speak. the insurance companies are pulling out because they are losing their tails. the only folks in the pool are the very ill not the young healthies they thought they would get. even Obama and his cool joe routine couldnt convince they to join up and pay high premiums for something they would rarely use.
Billy cawed:
The whole concept was flawed....force people to buy insurance, fine those that don't have buy the insurance and make the deductible higher than the fine. Genius!
Keep squawked:
I think it's more of a mess than many people realize. It had problems before o got hold of it now, it's more than bankrupt and in the hole, insurance companies have gone belly up, all that money has gone in slush funds and you can't just take hc away from people. It's a nightmare just like everything else o does. If anyone can fix it, I believe Trump can, but, don't kid yourself, it is very messy. We've lost a ton of docs in this country and are on track to lose many more.
While it would appear that United Health's exit would radically change the game for the ACA exchanges, the impact may not be that significant.
For one thing, United Health never really entered these marketplaces head first. In fact, as of March 31, the company insures only 750,000 of the more than 12 million people enrolled in Obamacare.
In fact, according to the nonpartisan Kaiser Family Foundation, which focuses on healthcare policy, the impact on enrollees' premiums and competition would not be substantial.
"The effect of a United withdrawal nationally would be modest," said a study by Cynthia Cox and Ashley Semanskee of Kaiser.
"The national weighted average benchmark silver plan would have been roughly 1% higher in 2016 had United not participated (less than $4 per month for an unsubsidized 40-year-old).
Cox and Semanskee found that United offered mostly high-cost plans in just 34 states in the US as of 2016, so by removing itself from the exchanges the impact would not be as significant as you may think in terms of increased cost or limited choice.
In terms of competition, if United does remove itself from all exchanges Cox and Semanskee found that 53% of all counties covered by exchanges would have only one or two exchanges. While this is significant, most counties with limited options are more rural and less populated.
Therefore, the total number of people with limited choice is still relatively low.
Last edited by DollyLongstaff (4/21/2016 11:33 am)
Meanwhile...GOP group promises ObamaCare replacement plan — soon.
A group of senior House Republicans is promising to deliver proof that the party is making headway in its six-year struggle to replace ObamaCare.
"Give us a little time, another month or so," House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Fred Upton (R-Mich.) told reporters this week. "I think we’ll be pretty close to a Republican alternative."
Upton is one member of a four-person task force that is supposed to come up with a replacement plan for the healthcare law, at the behest of Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.). For now, the group is still in "listening mode," Upton said. When asked who they are listening to, Upton said: "You name it – the world."
Coming up with a plan to replace ObamaCare has been an aim for the Republican Party for so long that it’s become a laugh line even in conservative circles. Despite voting more than 50 times in the House to repeal the law, the GOP has not once voted on legislation to take its place.
Last edited by DollyLongstaff (4/21/2016 11:39 am)
Keep squawked:
We've lost a ton of docs in this country and are on track to lose many more.
From Forbes:
In September 2009, Terry Jones wrote in Investor’s Business Daily that the United States was barreling toward catastrophe: Nearly half the nation’s physicians were on the verge of hanging up their stethoscopes.
Four of nine doctors, or 45%, said they ‘would consider leaving their practice or taking an early retirement’ if Congress passes the plan the Democratic majority and White House have in mind,” Jones warned.
“Projecting the poll’s finding … 360,000 doctors would consider quitting.”
Well, Congress did pass that plan six months later. (You might have heard: It’s called the Affordable Care Act.)
But our doctors didn’t go away.
In fact, rather than lose 360,000 physicians, the nation’s gained nearly 100,000 practicing doctors in the past six years.
Last edited by DollyLongstaff (4/21/2016 11:48 am)
Obama is sending his minions door to door to insert microchips in everyone so he can know all your business.
After they pick up all the info they need, it will be stored in the Giant Obamacare DatabaseDon't say you weren't warned
Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) revealed Obama's top secret plans for a "huge national database" created by the health care law that will collect Americans' "personal, intimate, most close-to-the-vest-secrets."
I'd love to get a look at Marcus's file.
Last edited by DollyLongstaff (4/21/2016 12:04 pm)
There are companies wanting to pull out of ACA but that is because they can't raise prices the way they want to. They say they are not making enough money. It is greed that is causing them to want to pull out of ACA.