Michaely posted:
she (Hillary) said her biggest regret was voting for the iraq war....which has me wondering if she should really just accept it. at the time of the vote they went on the intel they had. she is having a rougher time than Obama because she actually has a political history where he had none other than voting present.
Sounds like a Palin word salad.
Michaely, you're a writer...punctuation, grammar???
However, Hillary at least has admitted she was wrong ( more than once) while GW, Cheney, Rumsfeld still claim it was a good idea.
Last edited by DollyLongstaff (4/21/2016 8:04 pm)
Good point Dolly.
Also at the time of that vote, anyone who opposed that war was labeled unpatriotic. The pressure to support the Bush administration was enormous. Just ask the Dixie Chicks.
Agree Sam. Lots of people voted for that War against their better judgment.
Bush & company intentionally played on ppls fears after 9/11. He was our leader in an unprecedented time in our history. Look at his speeches from that time. As Sam mentioned the other component in play was the patriotic card. If you didn't want revenge then you were not an American. As a matter of fact some viewed you as anti-American. They depended on our anger & fear to get what they wanted & because it worked so very well for the Republican Bush that they are foolish enough to think it will now win them elections. The fear tactic is what created Donald supporters yet they wonder how their party got in such a disaray smh. Yes Republicans keep focusing on Hillary's horses while your barn burns to the ground.
We were all scared, after 911...and expected our "leaders" to help and defend us and our loved ones. And look at where they led us.... Some of us finally understood the truth....others became DT's followers