Trump’s ‘Woman Card’ Remark Drives $2.4 Million In Fundraising — For Hillary Clinton.
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton raised a record-setting $2.4 million dollars for her presidential campaign during the last three days of April.
And she has Donald Trump to thank for it.
“If Hillary Clinton were (was) a man, I don’t think she’d get 5 percent of the vote,”
Trump said in a victory speech last Tuesday. “The only thing she’s got going is the woman’s card.”.
And if Trump was a woman he'd be Sarah Palin.
Last edited by DollyLongstaff (5/02/2016 8:00 pm)
Can't wait for Hillary to corner Trump forcing him to put up or shut up. "All she's got going for her"? This coming from a man who inherited a fortune & has the worst case of affluence any human has ever witnessed. So what exactly does Trump have going for him that would qualify him to be potus? Again, I can't wait for Hillary to embarrass his ignorant, uninformed ass!