Bill Has a new book out on manners for kids....
Last edited by DollyLongstaff (5/11/2016 8:43 am)
Billo describes the mannerly way to have phone sex with a female co-worker.
First I'd suggest she down two wines.
(An "oaky" Chardonay perhaps?)
Then, I'd create an idyllic scenario.
“Imagine yourself in the shower and then I would come in and I’d join you and you would have your back to me and I would take the little loofa thing”
or loo·fah also luf·fa
1. Any of several Old World tropical vines of the genus Luffa, having cylindrical fruit with a fibrous, spongelike interior.
2. The dried, fibrous part of the loofa fruit, used as a washing sponge or as a filter. Also called dishcloth gourd, vegetable sponge.
“So anyway (If you wouldn't mind) I’d be rubbing your b00bs and (with yout permission ) get your n*pples really hard, kinda kissing your neck from behind and then (if you would kindly allow me) with my other hand I'd take some falafel...)
1. Ground spiced chickpeas shaped into balls and fried.
2. A sandwich filled with such a mixture.
And what is O’Reilly planning to do with the falafel?
“I would (gently and tenderly) take the other hand with the falafel thing (sic) and I’d put it on your pu$$y, but I'd do it really light, just kind of a tease..."
Last edited by DollyLongstaff (5/11/2016 9:15 am)