Today, lawmakers in Oklahoma approved a bill that would make conducting abortions a felony and annul the medical licenses of any physician who facilitates such an operation.
According to the legislation, a doctor who carries out an abortion, except in instances to save the life of the mother, could be convicted for to up to three years in prison and could also be forbidden from practicing medicine ever again.“
This bill is as direct an assault on Roe v. Wade — and the Supreme Court’s subsequent jurisprudence — as anything we’ve seen before,” said Steve Vladeck, law professor at the American University Washington College of Law. “If this law is upheld, then (the Roe decision) is meaningless.”
The measure is now in the hands of Gov. Mary Fallin, an anti-abortion Republican, to decide. Fallin was given five days to either sign or reject the provision.
According to Michael McNutt, Fallin’s spokesperson, if the Republican governor neither signs nor vetoes the bill, it automatically becomes law.
Last edited by DollyLongstaff (5/19/2016 7:10 pm)