Trump spokesperson Katrina Pierson:
Suing Trump University is.....
“Like saying if you graduate from Harvard and you don’t have the same outcome in your profession as everyone else, you should sue Harvard. And that’s just simply absurd.”
Dear Katrina:
Unlike Harvard, Donald Trump’s so called “University" never gave out college credits or degrees.
Also, if you coughed up the $35,000 you could be as dumb as a post and still be accepted.
Lastly, Trump U was supposed to teach its graduates how to use the real estate market to make themselves rich, like Trump.Many of the students, though, claim that everything they were taught was common knowledge and could have been learned for free.They say that most of the courses were just advertisements for expensive classes.
Last edited by DollyLongstaff (5/31/2016 8:31 am)