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6/03/2016 12:16 pm  #1

Trump Says Clinton Made Up Quotes About Him

 So She Provides Links to Every Single One.
Some of the comments she referenced are so ignorant, incoherent or outrageous, it could be hard to believe they actually came out of the mouth of the GOP’s presidential nominee.But they literally did. All of them.

See for yourself -- check out the lines from Clinton’s speech, and the Trump quotes behind them:

This is a man who said that more countries should have nuclear weapons, including Saudi Arabia..

ANDERSON COOPER: Saudi Arabia, nuclear weapons?

TRUMP: Saudi Arabia, absolutely.

This is someone who has threatened to abandon our allies in NATO – the countries that work with us to root out terrorists abroad before the strike us at home.

TRUMP: “We don't really need NATO in its current form. NATO is obsolete… if we have to walk, we walk.”

He believes we can treat the U.S. economy like one of his casinos and default on our debts to the rest of the world, which would cause an economic catastrophe far worse than anything we experienced in 2008.

TRUMP: “I’ve borrowed knowing that you can pay back with discounts... I would borrow knowing that if the economy crashed, you could make a deal.”

He has said that he would order our military to carry out torture...and the murder of civilians who are related to suspected terrorists...

TRUMP: “Don’t tell me it doesn’t work — torture works… Waterboarding is fine, but it’s not nearly tough enough, ok?”

TRUMP: "The other thing with the terrorists is you have to take out their families”

even though those are war crimes.

TRUMP: “They won’t refuse. They’re not going to refuse me, If I say do it, they’re going to do it.”He says he doesn’t have to listen to our generals or ambassadors, because he has – quote – “a very good brain.”

TRUMP: “I’m speaking with myself, number one, because I have a very good brain and I’ve said a lot of primary consultant is myself”

He also said, “I know more about ISIS than the generals, believe me.”

TRUMP: “I know more about ISIS than the generals do. Believe me.”

You know what?  I don’t believe him.

TRUMP: “We don't even really know who the leader [of ISIS] is.”

Last edited by DollyLongstaff (6/03/2016 12:26 pm)

Back with a vengeance possums!

6/03/2016 12:28 pm  #2

Re: Trump Says Clinton Made Up Quotes About Him

To be continued...

Back with a vengeance possums!
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