A dumb racist!
Bill Matthews:
I think he's (President Obama) a full fledged Muslim, in the Muslim religion if your father is a Muslim then you are a Muslim for life.
Pur Bill, pur, pur Bill.
If Obama's a Muslim, he's breaking a lot of rules.
No. 1
He's pro gay. He's even slept with men on the DL.
According to rightwing sites, he even had a man killed to keep his secret.
No. 2
He drinks like a fish.
According to the National Enquirer, the countless beer parties in the East Wing have led to extensive plumbing malfunctions.
No. 2 (a)
Muslims Don't Eat Pork
Obama has been seen eating pork (Spam)
No. 3
He's a coke head.
According to some lady running for the school board in Texas, he was gay for pay in order to support his habit.
No. 4
Muslims hate dogs. They only like cats.
The Obamas have dogs no cats.
No. 5
Obama worshipped in Rev. Wright's church.
No Muslim would ever even enter a Christian chuch.
No. 6
Muslims pray five times a day.
Everybody knows Obama's too lazy to do anything five times a day.
Except play golf.
No. 7
Muslims don't golf.
That's all Obama does, besides go on vacation.
Last edited by DollyLongstaff (6/14/2016 1:54 pm)
Those who believe Obama is a Muslim are generally older; they don’t travel very far from home; they read almost nothing at all; they have less technological wherewithal; they watch Fox News.
They're considered pariah at family gatherings and are generally disliked by relatives and in-laws.
(Ding! Ding!)
I'm sorry to say this Bill, but people like yourself, who believe that this ordinary, middle-class president is a Muslim are, ipso facto, numbskulls.
In otherwords, Stupid. Hopeless. Beyond saving.
And I mean that in the kindest possible way.
Last edited by DollyLongstaff (6/14/2016 12:36 pm)