Some of the highlights, and our fact checks:
• Mr. Trump began his speech by lamenting America’s crumbling infrastructure and weak economy. Taking a jab at his opponent, he said: “I know these problems can all be fixed, but not by Hillary Clinton. Only by me.”
• Mr. Trump called Mrs. Clinton a “world-class liar,” singling out her statements about her email server and her “phony landing in Bosnia,” a reference to comments Mrs. Clinton made in her 2008 campaign about a 1996 trip to Bosnia as first lady. “We had to land a certain way and move quickly because of the threat of sniper fire,” she said.
Fact Check: Footage later emerged of Mrs. Clinton, accompanied by her daughter, Chelsea, walking calmly on the tarmac in a serene scene. She later said she “misspoke.”
Last edited by DollyLongstaff (6/22/2016 11:33 am)
• Mr. Trump assailed Mrs. Clinton’s record as secretary of state, warning that she does not have the temperament or the judgment to be president. He also accused her of running the State Department like a “hedge fund” and suggesting that she had something to hide in the “secret speeches” she made to Wall Street banks
.• Mr. Trump defended his business record, recalling that he began his career in Brooklyn with a small loan and built a business worth more than $10 billion. “I have always had a talent for building businesses and, importantly, creating jobs,” he said. “That is a talent our country desperately needs.
”Fact Check: This substantially understates the financial assistance that Mr. Trump received from his father, Fred, a major real estate developer in New York City. The decades-old “loan” was for $1 million, a handsome sum that is by no means “small.” But the elder Mr. Trump did not stop there: He handed his son control of a large company with significant property holdings across the city, whose substantial value is difficult to quantify or overstate. Without this leg up, it’s unclear whether Mr. Trump could have built the business empire that he has.
Last edited by DollyLongstaff (6/22/2016 11:34 am)
• Mr. Trump said that Mrs. Clinton “has spent her entire life making money for special interests — and I will tell you, she has made plenty of money for them, and she has been taking plenty of money out for herself.
”Fact Check: This assertion is mostly false. Early in her career, Mrs. Clinton worked for the Children’s Defense Fund and as a lawyer for the House impeachment inquiry against President Richard Nixon, and later worked at the private Rose Law Firm in Arkansas, focusing on intellectual property and other cases. Much of her career has been devoted to government service, as first lady, United States senator and secretary of state. But Mrs. Clinton did receive millions of dollars in paid speeches to banks and others and has served on the boards of corporations like Walmart. Mr. Trump argues that she also made money for big donors through her activities at the State Department and her family foundation, but he has not offered clear, convincing proof.
Last edited by DollyLongstaff (6/22/2016 11:35 am)
• Turning to trade, Mr. Trump said that Mrs. Clinton supported the North American Free Trade Agreement and cited China’s entrance into the World Trade Organization as evidence that his opponent will support deals that harm American workers. He also said that her record as secretary of state should be scorned because America’s trade deficit with China soared under her tenure.
Fact Check: As first lady, Mrs. Clinton privately expressed skepticism about Nafta, the trade pact that President Bill Clinton signed into law in 1993, though she made statements supportive of it. The trade pact has been widely blamed for the loss of American manufacturing jobs. Mrs. Clinton has called for parts of Nafta to be renegotiated and has said that the Trans-Pacific Partnership, President Obama’s 12-nation pact that she supported while serving as secretary of state, doesn’t meet her “high bar” on protecting American workers and the environment.
Last edited by DollyLongstaff (6/22/2016 11:36 am)
• Mr. Trump directly blamed Mrs. Clinton for the death of Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens in Benghazi, Libya, calling her a liar who ignored his requests for help. “Her decisions spread death, destruction and terrorism everywhere she touched,” Mr. Trump said, calling the rise of the Islamic State and chaos in the Middle East the fault of the former secretary of state.
• Mr. Trump changed his tone on Muslims, whom he has previously accused of being generally complicit in the violence carried out Islamic terrorists. “ISIS also threatens peaceful Muslims across the Middle East, and peaceful Muslims across the world, who have been terribly victimized by horrible brutality — and who only want to raise their kids in peace and safety,” he said.
• Mr. Trump suggested that Mrs. Clinton was responsible for making Iran the “dominant power in the Middle East and on the road to nuclear weapons.”
Fact Check: Iran is certainly a dominant power in the Middle East, but so is Saudi Arabia, and so is Israel. But Tehran is farther from nuclear weapons than it was a year ago, when Mr. Trump began his campaign. It has given up 98 percent of its nuclear fuel in the past year, and partly dismantled many of its nuclear facilities, under an accord that had its roots in Mrs. Clinton’s time as secretary of state.
Last edited by DollyLongstaff (6/22/2016 11:37 am)
• Peter Schweizer, the author of “Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich,” which Mr. Trump repeatedly referred to, is a well-known conservative author who is a senior editor-at-large at Breitbart News and is affiliated with the conservative Hoover Institution.
• Mr. Trump laid out six bullet points from the book to argue that Mrs. Clinton is the “most corrupt person ever to seek the presidency.” He accused her of taking millions of dollars from foreign regimes that support Shariah law and abuse women.•
Fact Check: Mr. Trump has proposed temporarily barring all noncitizen Muslims from entering the United States; he has never made distinctions about Muslims who “share our values,” and it would be impossible to verify that immigrants “love our people.” His assertion about Mrs. Clinton is based on her support for current United States policy that allows immigration from some countries where women lack equal rights and homosexuality may be punishable by death.
Mr. Trump tied the recent Orlando shootings to his immigration plans, saying, “I only want to admit people who share our values and love our people. Hillary Clinton wants to bring in people who believe women should be enslaved and gays put to death.”
Last edited by DollyLongstaff (6/22/2016 11:39 am)
• Mr. Trump said that, if elected president, in his first 100 days he would “appoint judges who will uphold the Constitution of the United States” and added, “Hillary Clinton’s radical judges will virtually abolish the Second Amendment — can’t let that happen.
”Fact Check: Mr. Trump has released the names of several conservative jurists whom he would appoint to the open seat on the Supreme Court if he wins in November and Mr. Obama’s current nominee is not confirmed. Mrs. Clinton has not said whom she would appoint, but the notion that she would nominate judges who would somehow overrule the Second Amendment is a Republican talking point that is not based on statements or past actions by Mrs. Clinton. She does favor new gun control rules, but she has said she would seek them through legislation or executive action.
Last edited by DollyLongstaff (6/22/2016 11:40 am)
• Mr. Trump lamented that the country has been thinking small and relying too much on other countries: “We lost our sense of purpose, and daring,” he said. “But that’s not who we are.” If that line sounds familiar, it’s because it is one of Mr. Obama’s favorite lines, usually used to describe a generous, internationalist America.• At one point, Mr. Trump said that the United States is “the highest taxed nation in the world.”
Fact Check: This is inaccurate, according to several organizations that have examined the claim. A thorough check by PolitiFact found about 30 countries that have higher tax rate structures than the United States, including Denmark, Luxembourg and Belgium. That has not stopped Mr. Trump from making this claim repeatedly.
Last edited by DollyLongstaff (6/22/2016 11:41 am)
• Mr. Trump stated that Mrs. Clinton accepted a gift of jewelry from the leaders of Brunei valued at $58,000.
Fact Check: This is a misleading claim that omits key information. Mrs. Clinton, as secretary of state, may have received this gift but she did not keep it. As required by State Department rules, Mrs. Clinton transferred the jewelry to the United States government.
Last edited by DollyLongstaff (6/22/2016 1:37 pm)
CLAIM: "If I am elected President, I will end the special-interest monopoly in Washington, D.C."
The facts: The person who is now leading Trump's campaign, Paul Manafort, is founder of the former lobbying/public affairs firm Davis Manafort. (Manafort also has deep ties to pro-Russian politicians in Ukraine.) What's more, Bloomberg News recently reported that Ivanka Trump and her husband Jared Kushner approached GOP megadonor Robert Mercer to establish an anti-Clinton Super PAC.
Last edited by DollyLongstaff (6/22/2016 1:38 pm)
Speaking from a teleprompter, a move he’s derided in the past, Trump sought to turn the page on his presidential campaign after a terrible few weeks that included a botched response to the Orlando massacre, intense backlash to his criticism of a federal judge based on the judge’s Mexican heritage, the firing of his campaign manager and a disastrous fundraising report.
The speech contained few incendiary comments of the kind Trump’s rallygoers have come to expect.
For the content of the speech, Trump relied heavily on two negative books about Clinton. The first, Clinton Cash, by Peter Schweizer, delves into the perceived associations between Clinton’s work as secretary of state and the Clinton Foundation, which counts foreign countries among its donors.
The second book, Crisis in Character, was written by a former Secret Service agent and questions Clinton’s temperament. However, a number of current and former agents have denounced the book, saying the author, Gary Byrne, was never close enough to the former first lady or her husband, former President Bill Clinton, to have seen all the things he claims.
Last edited by DollyLongstaff (6/22/2016 3:54 pm)
Donald Trump likes to say the United States is the “highest taxed nation in the world.”
He said it Wednesday while attacking Hillary Clinton. He said it in May. He said it February. He said it last August. But it is not true at all.
When it comes to its tax rates, the U.S. ranks 17th, 19th or 31st among the world’s 33 developed nations depending on what metric you use, as Politifact has doggedly noted each time Trump has wheeled out this lie.
Last edited by DollyLongstaff (6/22/2016 3:55 pm)
"Mr. Trump defended his business record, recalling that he began his career in Brooklyn with a small loan and built a business worth more than $10 billion. "
what year was that loan? I just read something to the effect that the cost of a ticket for Woodstock (1969) was $18.00 which would be the equivalent of something like $250.00 in today's money. So what I'm wondering is what is today's value of that one million dollar loan?
$1,000,000 in 1969 equals $6,662,676.06 in 2016.
Hi chude!