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7/07/2016 6:36 am  #1

There's A Different Set Of Rules For Clintons

Indeed there is...

(From my friend Dan in Texas):

The repubes are coming down hard on Comey saying "anyone else would have been charged".

Oh yeah?

The truth is, nobody else would have even been investigated. And it's not speculation. Rice and Powell, who did precisely the same thing, were not investigated and nobody cared.

To say a private server is "more illegal" than or gmail, is totally false and there's no ambiguity.
Classified info must be transmitted through secure means, and no email is considered secure.

Comey: Hillary's setup was more insecure than .gov or gmail?

Comey said that and seconds later he was forced to concede that there was zero evidence that Hillary got hacked, but that multiple other high-ranking officials using commercial emails did get hacked.

Comey failed to mention that also suffered a massive breach. And it doesn't stop there.

NSA, the most secretive and encryption savvy organization the world has ever seen also had a massive breach.

Hillary's email server was possibly the most secure computer system used by any government official during the entire Obama administration.

The reality is, the state department's procedures regarding classified info are imperfect, mainly because they are carried out by humans.

In Hillary's case, about 0.1% of her communications contained classified information, and as Comey pointed out, there was neither intent nor gross negligence.

Hillary is not the only one who did this, in fact not only the two SoSes before her, but also any other high-ranking official that deals with classified information is going to, very rarely but still more than zero times, end up transmitting non-secure.

If everyone who did this got prosecuted, there would be no high-ranking officials left.

The question we should be asking is: does any of this matter? Some tiny fraction of a percent of government email communications unintentionally contain technically classified information, how bad is this really?

We're talking about this because her name is Clinton. She was investigated because her name is Clinton. You'd think that after decades of non-scandals, people would figure this out.

Last edited by DollyLongstaff (7/07/2016 6:46 am)

Back with a vengeance possums!

7/07/2016 9:58 am  #2

Re: There's A Different Set Of Rules For Clintons

I agree Dolly!

They need to put Elizabeth Warren out there to bring up All of these inconsistencies! Then they will shut up!



7/07/2016 10:31 am  #3

Re: There's A Different Set Of Rules For Clintons


Dem Rep Stephen Lynch brought up that Colin Powell also used private email and turned none over to the government

Elijah Cummings:.“Today, House Republicans are doing what they always do, using taxpayer money to investigate claims that have already been debunked just to keep them in the headlines one more day," Cummings said.

He also told James Comey that he had full faith in his work at the FBI.“Amazingly, some Republicans who were praising you just days ago for your independence, your integrity and for your honesty, instantly turned against you because your determination contradicted their predetermined outcome," he said. “So now you are being summoned here to answer for your alleged transgressions."

Last edited by Spunky (7/07/2016 10:32 am)


7/07/2016 11:51 am  #4

Re: There's A Different Set Of Rules For Clintons in the world do repubs keep getting away with this blatant abuse of taxpayers? How are they allowed to throw tantrums until they get the results they want? How are they able to continue to blatantly lie & never be held accountable? Why are we treating these brats throwing a tantrum with kid gloves? I am so disgusted right now. Flip flops, twisting, spinning, lying, hypocritical bigots. Why oh why do we put up with this? Time for liberals to get dirty. Very dirty. Nothing will change unless someone gets a backbone & decides to play the repubs game better. Jmo.

I will not kneel before Zod. 

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