I thought you were a good Christian woman?
Question: Have you ever been caught making love? What did you do or say?
Rhona: Sure did. Went to a party with Carl at an acquaintance's home and we slipped off into their library. Right there with my gown up to my waist, me on the desk, in walk two couples.... They turned around and left so fast I barely had time to push down my gown. We left right after that.
[url= ,d.cWw&psig=AFQjCNF59fEKiwkLKHM4lmpcLIyCDClzQw&ust=1468069548128066][/url]
On top of that, you expel toxic gas in public and refuse to own it?
Question: Did you ever accidentally pass gas in public? Where? What did you do or say?
Rhona: I was shopping with Alexa in the local Grocery, she was 3, I bent to get something off the bottom shelf and oops. As loud as she could she yelled...."Mama, you smarted out loud!". I grabbed her hand tried to get to the next aisle before anyone realized what she meant...or
God'll get you for that!!!
Last edited by DollyLongstaff (7/08/2016 8:09 am)