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7/29/2016 10:11 am  #1

Hillary's America: The Reviews Are In.....

...And They Ain't Good.

Dinesh D’Souza’s new film, “Hillary’s America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party,” might be described as propaganda that shades off into paranoia.

It asserts that the Democratic Party was single-handedly responsible for slavery, the genocidal killing of Native Americans, the Ku Klux Klan, and the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. And D’Souza is just getting started.

By the time he reaches Hillary Clinton, his twisted psychoanalysis — Hillary welcomed Bill’s womanizing because it allowed her to control him! — begins to sound like the ravings of a cult believer.

The disquieting thing is that in 2016, “Hillary’s America” could turn out to be just seething and ahistorical enough to be another preaching-to-the-pitchfork-choir D’Souza hit.


Last edited by DollyLongstaff (7/29/2016 10:12 am)

Back with a vengeance possums!

7/29/2016 10:13 am  #2

Re: Hillary's America: The Reviews Are In.....

Just over a year ago, not long after being released from the confinement center where he spent an eight-month sentence, author, filmmaker and convicted felon Dinesh D’Souza took to Twitter to offer up his followers a photograph that purported to show a young Hillary Clinton with a Confederate flag prominently displayed behind her.

Even a glaucoma victim could tell that it was a fake—a doctored version of a photo of her as a student as Wellesley in 1969 that ran in Life magazine—but somehow this managed to get by him. When he did eventually post a vague correction, he instead advised his followers to make fun of her glasses and hairdo, neither of which appear to be especially outrageous for a Wellesley student in the late ‘60s.

Now imagine that photograph—dubiously sourced, factually questionable and suffused with nasty personal cracks instead of any legitimate insight or criticism—and you have D’Souza’s latest film, “Hillary’s America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party,” a work that almost makes his previous cinematic efforts, “2016: Obama’s America” and “America” seem lucid and well-reasoned by comparison.

Little more than an extended version of the kind of political screeds that can be found online with only a minimum of effort, this is just a terrible movie, and, depending on the conditions that were set forth, there is a chance it could be considered a parole violation as well.

(Roger Ebert)

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7/29/2016 10:13 am  #3

Re: Hillary's America: The Reviews Are In.....

Film Review: Hillary’s America

A long string of political buzzwords and strawman arguments by modern film's most shameless director.

Back with a vengeance possums!
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7/29/2016 10:14 am  #4

Re: Hillary's America: The Reviews Are In.....

“What if the goal of the Democratic Party is to steal the most valuable thing the world has ever produced?” Mr. D’Souza muses from a halfway house where he’s staying as part of the plea deal.

In this scene, a dramatic re-enactment, he watches Ms. Clinton announce her campaign for president. “What if their plan is to steal — America?”

On these words, Mr. D’Souza’s eyes shift from the ceiling-mounted TV display to stare straight into the camera. It’s very Dramatic Chipmunk.

Once the hero’s journey theme is established, it’s on to about an hour’s worth of “the Democratic Party was the party of slavery” material.

This content, and more (including a young actress playing Ms. Clinton as a practically lunatic student radical), will be familiar to anyone who’s examined a right-wing website.

When Mr. D’Souza describes the effects of Andrew Jackson’s Indian Removal Act, he intones, “It was a trail of tears,” as if he has just come up with the phrase.

This is typical of his method. According to a certain interpretation of the auteur theory, a film’s value derives from the extent to which it communicates the personality and character of its director. Judged by that standard alone, I suppose “Hillary’s America” is some kind of masterpiece.

(The NY Times)

Back with a vengeance possums!
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7/29/2016 10:15 am  #5

Re: Hillary's America: The Reviews Are In.....

The only redeeming parts of “Hillary’s America” are when it veers into unintentional comedy.

In one bizarre sequence, Woodrow Wilson screens “The Birth of a Nation” at the White House, as a ghostly Klansman appears to leap from the screen and onto the adjacent lawn.

D’Souza’s framing device for his exposé of Democratic secrets involves him breaking into DNC headquarters. (Is he even aware of how the Watergate scandal started?)

By the time he gets around to attacking Clinton — with nothing that will seem new to the average viewer of Fox News — the film is more than half over.

D’Souza may wish to tilt the election, but he’ll be lucky if his fans can make it through his film without falling asleep.

(The Washington Post)

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7/29/2016 10:19 am  #6

Re: Hillary's America: The Reviews Are In.....

We snuck out to Wasilla’s cinema, grabbed tubs of that buttery movie theatre popcorn & big gulp sodas the Left wants to outlaw, and took in the tremendously powerful new film, "Hillary’s America".

Kudos to Dinesh D’Souza for speaking truth to power in production of this film.

Watch it soon; bring friends who may be undecided in this election. Their awakening will impact our progress toward an exceptional America… or a Hillary America.

Watching this documentary was so mesmerizing, catching one profound point after another, that I didn’t even bug Todd to hit the lobby for popcorn refills.

In supporting DJT, I’ve asked for nothing. (Except the red "Make America Great Again" hat Trump sent my dad that’s now commendably unmovable from Dad’s cranium.)

But I WILL finally request something from the campaign: please, all, watch the film. Absorb the gravity of the nation’s situation with democrat party leaders deceiving voters about their foundation and intentions.

Our candidate can then speak more truth to empower Americans.View the trailer below, and find a local showing here, and let me know what you think:.

(Sarah Palin)

Back with a vengeance possums!
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7/29/2016 10:50 am  #7

Re: Hillary's America: The Reviews Are In.....

Lol dinesh. smh someone is still giving this baffoon have a platform? Maybe he should collaborate with Kirk Cameron to create the world's worst movie ever. Judging by the their past efforts they should both just stop embarrassing themselves with their fictitious tales.

I will not kneel before Zod. 

7/29/2016 10:51 am  #8

Re: Hillary's America: The Reviews Are In.....


I will not kneel before Zod. 

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