Melania's Trump's website is gone.
Now, the speech writer who took the fall for Melania's plagiarism of Michelle Obama's speech has disappeared also.
Meanwhile, there are questions about Melania's immigration story.
Yeah... well I knew that that "speech writer" would disappear...I don't think she ever existed....and IF she did is against the rules to use speech writers that don't actually work for the campaign....this person supposedly worked for his company.
Melania was used and she let it happen.
-lied about who wrote the speech....plagiarized the first ladies speech....
-They had to delete her website because she lied about being a college graduate...
-May have been married before, so she lied about that....
-worked with the wrong visa, even though she claims she didn't get paid for the porn pictures, but she expected exposure as payment.........
-and lastly "admires" Michelle Obama.
And she agreed with his racist comments.
-horrible comments about illegal immigrants...insulting of hispanic people, disgusting comments about women....insulting of POWS and the disabled....Insulting of Muslim parents/Veteran that was killed in action defending our freedom....
And, she knew about ALL of the lies, just thought she would get away with NO...I don't feel sorry for her....I wouldn't be surprised if she's next on the 'hit' list.
Last edited by Spunky (8/08/2016 10:56 am)
Yes.....Melania may soon be gone. She is aging out for DT. Poor thing, used by Trump. Well at least she'll be rich.