Against HC's life?
He said "the 2nd amendment people WILL take care of her
OMG!!! This man should be arrested???
How could anyone defend that statement????
Yep Spunky and "the twitter" is on fire.
The media helped to create this monster.
zeke wrote:
The media helped to create this monster.
you're right. They couldn't get enough of him because he was a joke. No one expected it would go so far, and now, he could possibly become president. They put too much attention on him and not enough on the real Republican candidates...and now look what we've got...
I agree that the media has played a part in him getting nominated. He is by far the most inept nominees that this country has ever seen. He lacks everything that being president requires. He may not have meant it the way it sounded but just the fact that he constantly says things that he doesn't mean the way it sounds is very problematic for someone who wants to be president. A clumsily spoken statement can cause an international crisis or even a war. A president has to know how to say what he means and he or she has to be able to be very discerning about what comes out of their mouth. Trump has demonstrated repeatedly that he does not have those abilities. For that reason he would be very dangerous to our country if he were president.
Totally agree, Need.
Nice to see you BTW!
I can't believe he said that!! His campaign is back peddling.....he didn't mean it that way....