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9/15/2016 4:09 pm  #1

Trump Jr, "indiscrepancy" and "gas chamber"

"Without the media, this wouldn't even be a contest, but the media has built her up, they've let her slide on every indiscrepancy, on every lie, on every DNC game, trying to get Bernie Sanders out of the thing," the Republican nominee's son said in a radio interview on 1210 WPHT in Philadelphia Thursday. "If Republicans were doing that, they'd be warming up the gas chamber right now."

first I'm surprised he would use the word, "indiscrepancy"--did he mean indiscretion? or discrepancy?  What is he trying to say?

second, he is now back tracking on his use of "gas chamber" claiming he was referring to capital punishment and usually uses the term "electric chair."

normally I don't pick at every little thing someone slips up on, but with this family it's hard not to.



9/15/2016 5:30 pm  #2

Re: Trump Jr, "indiscrepancy" and "gas chamber"

Wow...the reference to the 'gas chamber' is the most hurtful, thing anyone can say....DT Jr. is just as hateful as his dad....they care about no one.

Conservative independent presidential candidate Evan McMullin seized on the comment from Trump, writing on twitter  that it was “an unsurprising Nazi reference from the ‘alt-right’ movement's presidential campaign. This is the real Trump.” Clinton then joined in, re-tweeting McMullin’s message from her own account.

The National Jewish Democratic Council also weighed in with a statement, arguing that Trump’s comments were unsurprising given his campaign’s track record but nonetheless “have no place in a presidential campaign.”“Donald Trump Jr.’s reference to gas chambers is outrageous. With its allusions to the Holocaust, remarks such as these have no place in a presidential campaign,” the NJDC’s statement read.

Edited to add: "indiscrepancy" is NOT a word.....he should have used discrepancy...

Last edited by Spunky (9/15/2016 5:40 pm)


9/15/2016 6:46 pm  #3

Re: Trump Jr, "indiscrepancy" and "gas chamber"

Sick begets sick. Big Trump_Little Trump.
I wonder how first wife views all of this....Ivana? forgot her name.


9/15/2016 7:18 pm  #4

Re: Trump Jr, "indiscrepancy" and "gas chamber"

Dumb as his dad!

"The best candy shop a child can be left alone in, is the library"
Maya Angelou 

9/16/2016 10:56 am  #5

Re: Trump Jr, "indiscrepancy" and "gas chamber"

did  you see Jr on Good Morning America?   I'm at work so can't look for it now, but check out today's interview with George Stephanopolis.  Priceless!  Go George!

     Thread Starter

9/16/2016 12:28 pm  #6

Re: Trump Jr, "indiscrepancy" and "gas chamber"

Teachesk wrote:

Dumb as his dad!

Like father like son

 Ppl are amazing, but not always in a good way.  


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