The Clinton campaign found itself in hot water as well over the weekend with this Politico report: "Hacked audio of a conversation between Hillary Clinton and donors during a February fundraising event shows the Democrat nominee describing Bernie Sanders supporters as 'children of the Great Recession' who are 'living in their parents' basement.'" Yet on CNN, Sanders went out of way not to criticize Clinton. "If you listen to the whole discussion that she had, a very important point that she made is that a lot of young people who went into debt, worked very hard to get a good education get out of school and can't find jobs commensurate with the education that they received. And there's a lot of unhappiness about young people. And this is an issue that we must address," he said. By the way, Sanders stumps for Clinton today in Iowa.
That was really nice of him to say....Bernie Sanders is definitely in for HC!
Here's part of his interview on ABC: Bernie Sanders told ABC’s George Stephanopoulos that Hillary Clinton was “absolutely correct” when she said many of his supporters were living in their parents’ basements and struggling to find jobs
“During the campaign we had our differences, but what she was saying there was absolutely correct,”
Sanders said during an interview Sunday morning in response to the newly leaked audio of Clinton talking about his supporters during a private fundraiser in February.“You have millions of young people, many of whom took out loans in order to go to college, hoping to go out and get decent-paying jobs, and they are unable to do that,” said Sanders, who endorsed Clinton two months ago.
“And yes, they do want a political revolution. They want to transform this society.”
Last edited by Spunky (10/03/2016 5:23 pm)