When most men his age get up at 3:00 AM, it's to "tinkle".
When Trump gets up at 3:00AM , he tweets.
The Republican presidential nominee celebrated what he dubbed a debate victory at 3:14 a.m. Thursday.
“Just landed in Ohio. Thank you America- I am honored to win the final debate for our MOVEMENT,” Trump tweeted, citing unscientific polls like Drudge that showed the GOP nominee crushing Democrat Hillary Clinton.
CNN’s poll showed that a majority of viewers said Clinton won.
Days after the first presidential debate, when Clinton baited Trump by invoking forming Miss Universe Alicia Machado, Trump blasted out verbal assaults aimed at Clinton, Machado and the media as early as 3:20 a.m.
Last edited by DollyLongstaff (10/20/2016 7:08 am)
The man is insane, for real.
Haha...what a loser