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12/16/2016 7:11 pm  #1

December 16. 2016 show

Did anyone watch?

Best part was when Darlene Love sang....and Patti LaBelle joined her on stage....and the View ladies sang as part of background.....great show!


12/23/2016 11:19 am  #2

Re: December 16. 2016 show

Missed that one, Spunky.
Watching today, 12/23/16. They are discussing DT as President for all. NO. NO. NO. He stole this election. He is racist, anti- women, anti-LGBT, he is elitist, and he is all the bad things I teach all those I love NOT to be.  
Wow....the panel is leaning right today.... Lol! I still like the View.


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