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1/17/2017 5:58 pm  #1

The View Today, January 17, 2017!

Did anyone watch it today?

Jennifer Holiday was on TRYING to explain WHY she had initially agreed to sing at the inauguration.

I still don't get how anyone would want to do ANYTHING nice for that pervert/racist!!

He is still being hateful!!...NEVER will he be my president.....he should just go to hell!!

And those deplorables that don't agree with me....can go to hell too!

EDITED to add:  But the View is back and it was another great show!

Last edited by Spunky (1/17/2017 6:04 pm)


1/17/2017 7:40 pm  #2

Re: The View Today, January 17, 2017!

Spunky....What was up with Sara's hair???  Scary...and she is so pretty!! Please Sara, get rid of that new hair stylist. Yikes.
I like the show and I am back to watching it On Demand.


1/17/2017 7:42 pm  #3

Re: The View Today, January 17, 2017!

Whatever happened to Elisabeth Hasselbeck??


1/18/2017 11:31 am  #4

Re: The View Today, January 17, 2017!

I didn't even recognize Sara at first...I guess they're trying a new look for her...she looks better with her own style....

As far as Elisabeth Hassellbeck...I don't think Fox renewed her contract... I think she moved out of New York....not sure though...just glad she's not on the View

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1/19/2017 7:57 pm  #5

Re: The View Today, January 17, 2017!

I THINK Jennifer Holiday was trying to say that it's an honor to be asked to perform at a presidential inauguration and that she thought it would help to heal the country.  but then she realized what people thought about it.  I would not want to do anything for that man but I can understand why someone might want to perform. But either way, I think it's awful that people actually receive death threats because they agree to be part of his ceremony.  You can disagree with a celebrity's decision but when you post hateful remarks on social media you are lowering yourself to his level.  Unfortunately, the campaign that Trump ran makes people feel that its ok to voice hate and fear of anyone who is different.  For 8 yrs all we have heard is "Thanks Obama" when anything was not to someone's liking.  Now we can say "thanks Trump"  for bringing our country down to this.   (sorry I get carried away on this topic!)


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