Trump deleted his tweets supporting Luther Strange in the Alabama Senate GOP primary. It’s the closest he will get to acknowledging he made a mistake.
Republicans quit on their attempt to repeal Obamacare – a signature Trump promise. They have turned to tax reform, but there is no reason to think that will be any smoother. Especially since Trump’s plan offers no clues as to how it’s funded.
.Puerto Rico – despite Trump’s prediction of an A+ grade – has taken on shades of a post-Katrina New Orleans. The mistakes have been self-inflicted.
And the news will only get worse as remote areas are reached.Already 100,000 Puerto Ricans have fled from their home to Florida. Refugees are supposed to happen in Syria or Sudan, not on American soil.
Trump’s excuse is that Puerto Rico is an island in the middle of an ocean – a big ocean. So what?
Closer to home the Mueller investigation has involved the IRS – and you know when the feds are looking at the money it’s getting serious. And in the face of a possible preemptive move by Trump to fire Mueller, Congress is advancing bipartisan bills to solidify his position.
Hypocrisy is having its best week since last week. It turns out six Trump staffers have been using personal emails.
Tom Price – a cost warrior in the House – is now the Cleopatra of private jets. Who would have thought that the dilettante Mnuchin and his hashtag bride would lose the ‘expense abuse’ trophy to a doctor from Ohio?
But no matter how poorly behaved his minions are Trump will not be denied the prize for biggest boob. And a Quinnipiac University poll validated his status – 51% of respondents said they are embarrassed to have Trump serve as president. Icing the cake, 59% say Trump is not honest, 60% say he does not have good leadership skills and 61% say he does not share their values. Which I suppose means 39% of us are pussy grabbers.And, what is probably the deepest cut, voters say — 69% to 26% — Trump should stop tweeting.