The big jobs guy, the smartest man in the world, the one who makes the best deals (there's no better deal maker in the world), the guy who's going to bring so many jobs that the people will start saying "Stop! Stop with all the jobs!" That guy, it turns out, isn't producing more jobs at all. (Color me shocked!)
As a solar company, we are devastated to learn Trump has imposed a 30% tariff on solar panels virtually killing the solar industry. Solar employs more people than coal and oil combined. today's decision will cause the loss of roughly 23,000 American jobs this year.
"Donald Trump broke the record in one year of 93000 jobs being outsourced or lost." Chuck Jones, fmr president of United Steelworkers Local 1999
Since The GOP Tax Scam... #GOPTaxScam
Toys R Us closes 180 stores
Sears closes 63 stores
Kmart closes 45 stores
Macy's closes 68 stores
Sam's Club closes 63 stores
BofA dings low income accounts
Kimberly Clark fires 5000+
Carrier jobs still move to Mexico
Paul Ryan gets 500K
Last edited by DollyLongstaff (1/25/2018 10:58 am)