A new book coming out..titled "unhinged'! and she also claims to have recorded the pervert!!
Is she a reliable source of info about the Trump White House? Buckle up for debates about that in the coming week.
Because she's about to betray Trump in a new tell-all book.Omarosa's recap of her time in the administration, "Unhinged," comes out next week...
And on Wednesday we found out what the press rollout will look like. Her first interview will be on "Meet the Press" this Sunday. Then she'll be on "Today" Monday morning." And she "leveraged" the tapes while shopping the book.
Last edited by Spunky (8/09/2018 9:56 am)
Let me begin by saying I do not like this woman. I have never liked her and I won't buy her book either. However, if she secretly taped Trump, I hope she has ammunition that will further damage his credibility and expediate his leaving the White House.
Now she is claiming in her forthcoming book that President Donald Trump's re-election campaign offered her a lucrative contract in exchange for her signature on a strict non-disclosure agreement after her ouster from the administration last year, according to an excerpt quoted in The Washington Post
She also says that she turned down the proposal, which would have barred her from the public criticism she has leveled at Trump since her departure. Lara Trump, a campaign adviser and the President's daughter-in-law, extended the offer to Manigault Newman shortly after White House chief of staff John Kelly fired her for "serious integrity issues," according to The Post's excerpts.
Today they reported that she's accusing the pervert of constantly using the 'N' word...even when they were filming the Apprentice.
She insists her firing last December was because she knew too much about a possible audio recording of the President uttering a racial epithet, which she claims was the subject of deep consternation among campaign — and later White House — aides.
This should be good!
I really don't like Omarosa....however, this time I believe her when she says the pervert used the 'N' word...
Here's some of the groups he has insulted....:
The disabled
The reporters
Seventh Day Adventists
African Americans
His competitors
and of course.....President Obama
Yeah....she didn't lie...he said it then and still says it today!!!
Last edited by Spunky (8/12/2018 1:22 pm)
Its a fire storm between Omarosa...and the pervert....I still believe her...he has always proven what a racist jerk he is....we didn't need her book to know that!
The saga continues, with the pervert calling her a dog....he should look in the mirror....Its always derogatory statements against women...
Did you ever in your lifetime think you'd see a president of the United States sink to this level? Every person who voted for this lowlife needs to be ashamed of themselves for supporting him. Would you let your child have a friend who behaved like this? I don't even want my grandchildren listening to any of his speeches, a president to look up to, hell no.
No. This is a real low for this country.
Well...I read this morning that many of the WH staff are terrified of what they may have said that Amarosa has on tape....
And of when she will release ...the next episode...
Spunky wrote:
Well...I read this morning that many of the WH staff are terrified of what they may have said that Amarosa has on tape....
And of when she will release ...the next episode...
Dear God I hope she's not just blowing smoke! WH staff should be terrified because they're the ones who have consistently lied to cover Trump's lies and bigotry. I don't know how any of them can do this and not feel guilt or shame. Many of the current WH staff have spouses and children who will be profoundly affected by their leader and his words and actions. Personally, I'd like to be on the right side of history.
Last edited by Cleanspoons (8/15/2018 3:14 pm)
Today Omarosa released a recording with Lara Trump offering her $15,000 a month, to come back to the White House....AFTER she was fired.
Omarosa also said that she has given copies of her tapes to different family members, in case she gets killed...
Her publisher also said that they will not be intimidated and the book will be published...
"Put simply, the book's purpose is to inform the public.
"Private contracts like the NDA may not be used to censor former or current government officials from speaking about non-classified information learned during the course of their public employment."
Wow! she claims to have over 200 tapes.....