On Thursday trump decided he hadn't gone quite far enough yet, so he decided to push the hate a little further! He's threatening the lives of the migrants headed to the border. He's warning them what will happen if they throw rocks at our military. "They want to throw rocks at our military, our military fights back, consider a rifle," he said. There's nothing quite like a rally where his followers smell blood, they go wild with anticipation. With all that's happened over the last couple of weeks, it's not enough for trump, he's got to ratchet up the hate some more. American troops firing on unarmed men, women and children, he thinks that would make a good photo op for this country. Our troops being used to make trump look good for the election, he's delusional!! He'll stop at nothing.
He's totally CRAZY!...
I just hope that innocent people or children DON'T get shot or killed ! It will totally be on him!..
but I would hope that our service men/women would also use common sense and defy the order....
It's not so much the military I worry about, my husband says they can't do it, it's the other nut-jobs out there that I'm afraid will start shooting some of them. What a mess this country is in!