U.S. PIRG, a non-profit advocacy group, has found that 19 major beers and wine brands contain a pesticide called glyphosate, it's one of the ingredients in the weed killer Roundup. The brands that may contain the weed killer are: Coors Light, Heineken, Stella Artois, Sam Adams, Sierra Nevada, Sutter Home Merlot and Barefoot Sauvignon. Apparently you'd have to drink a whole lot to have any adverse affect, but I don't know anyone who'd be comforted by that fact. The PIRG says, "the levels of glyphosate we found were not necessarily dangerous."
Whew ! I'm safe. I don't drink bear or those 2 brands of wine. Why on earth do they need to put unsafe chemicals in wine and beer?
Any time they spray chemicals on crops, I'm sure they find their way into our food supply.
Got to remember those wine names. so I don't buy them...
Thanks for alerting us teluog!!
Offline friend's brother-in-law was recently diagnosed with lung cancer but it's not just isolated to the lungs. I had never heard of ROUNDUP before so it's so odd that you are writing about it teluog.
He was one of those people who was always cleaning and my friend mentioned that he used Roundup in their yard like crazy. Used it all over the place. His daughter has health problems too and now they are wondering if this Roundup is the culprit as well as other chemicals he used. Geez.
Roundup causes cancer.