Televangelist Pat Robertson has declared that Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez had "no particular education," because she worked as a bartender. No matter what your opinion is of this young lady, she actually graduated with honors from Boston University, she worked her way through college by bartending. This man of God is passing judgement on her for the job she held. This is his actual quote: "It's a strange thing when a young woman with no particular education to speak of, who's had a career, I believe, as a, what is it, a bartender I think, she suddenly is making pronouncements about climate change. Now she's making a pronouncement about capitalism. And the thing is, the media is following like she's some guru from off of the Mount Olympus and she just doesn't know what she's talking about." This man of God worships at the feet of trump, a reality TV star, who's father bought is way through school, he can't even string more than two words together. This man of God is passing judgement on this young lady because she was a bartender? When she was questioning Michael Cohen, "trump's fixer" a couple of weeks ago, she sounded like the smartest person in the room to me. Pat Robertson would be the last person I would listen to about anything, his judgement is questionable. I would question the judgement of anyone who thinks trump is smart enough for the job of President of the United States, not to mention how immoral he is.
Pat Robertson always twists the truth to serve his own agenda. He's made outrageous claims about so many things I can't keep track. He needs to be ignored.