Texas has passed a law that will end all taxpayer funding for Planned Parenthood, based on the debunked videos produced by an anti-choice group.
The teen pregnancy rate is 41% (30% is the national average) and about to get much larger.
That's what happens when Texas lawmakers cut sex ed from two six month courses to a single unit of abstincence only education.
1 in 6 Teens at a West Texas high school has Chlamydia
Someone please explain to me again how Texas is NOT an ass-backward embarrassment to the USA.
I think Bristol Palin needs to go down there and talks some sense into those young ladies.
"Don't do as I do, do as I say".
DollyLongstaff wrote:
I think Bristol Palin needs to go down there and talks some sense into those young ladies.
"Don't do as I do, do as I say".
That makes about as much sense as everything else they have done lately. Maybe they could have Inhofe come and do a science presentation for them after Palin is done.
I don't understand why that has to lead to a higher pregnancy rate. In this day and age it doesn't have to. Anyone can get birth control from there regular health care practioner as well as all reproductive health care. It is not like Planned Parenthood is a young womans only option for those things.
needtosay wrote:
I don't understand why that has to lead to a higher pregnancy rate. In this day and age it doesn't have to. Anyone can get birth control from there regular health care practioner as well as all reproductive health care. It is not like Planned Parenthood is a young womans only option for those things.
If you are a teenager who doesn't feel comfortable talking to the family doctor, if you do not have a family physician or if you are low income and not in a medicaid expansion state, birth control may not be an option. Add to that the fact that they are trying to block abortion at every turn and you have a recipe for disaster. They already have a teen pregnancy rate that is far above the national average and none of these measures are going to mitigate this. In fact, they will make it worse.