Hillary came to Alabama (with or without a banjo on her knee, no one knows for sure) and in her thickest Southern accent gave Governor Robert Bentley, and Alabama Republicans a good calling down over the plan to shut down 8 out 10 DMV centers in the so called "Black Belt", where voters can get their photo ID, which Alabama law requires in order to vote.
As you probably figured out, the majority of the voters affected are not only black, but most usually vote for Dems.
Hillz called the move "a blast from the Jim Crow past".
She added:
"Denying voter rights, didn't come from nowhere. If you find a turtle sitting on a fence post, it didn't get there on its own".
Last edited by DollyLongstaff (10/20/2015 7:39 am)
Wow. How sickening. Fasten all seatbelts. It's going to be a bumpy ride.
Voter suppression may be the last hope for the GOP.
I forget what we were watching, but when my man heard about this he went nuts! He is so angry & cannot believe that they are allowed to do this. Again, he is not into politics, but lately is paying much more attention. I do have to thank the right for making him more concerned & aware, but most of all for creating another liberal VOTER!!!!
It just makes me crazy that prisoners who have served their time lose their right to vote forever. It makes no sense. Am I see this wrong? Is it me? Seems there should be more outrage about this. I don't mean on the MB but out in the world.
Bernie Sanders:
"Anybody who is suppressing the vote, anybody who is intentionally trying to keep people from voting because the candidate knows that those people would vote against him or her, that person is a political coward," Sanders said during a speech in August. "If you don't have the guts to run for office on your ideas, then you shouldn't run for office at all."