During a joint press conference designed to showcase US-Japan relations in Tokyo, trump and Shinzo Abe disagreed on the recent short-range missile tests by Kim Jong-un. trump says he's unfazed by the tests, Abe calls them "of great regret." He knows they pose a great threat to Japan, trump, as usual doesn't care. trump said: "My people think it could have been a violation, I view it differently. It doesn't matter." Praising dictators, stabbing our allies in the back, so trumpy. I know every morning when I turn on the news, there will be another report on the idiot that's the republican president, everything he does, they endorse. These right-wing idiots care more for trump than they do for their own country.
And he agreed with that murderer kim, who killed members of his own family...when he insulted VP Joe Biden....How low can this pervert go???!!!???
I really do believe that he's in "LOVE" with him (Kim).....just the thought of it makes me feel ill...UGH!!!!