The new Chief of the US Border Patrol, Rodney Scott, appears to be linked to a secret Facebook group that's posted racist, sexist messages and vulgar attacks on lawmakers. Scott was one of a number of Customs and Border Protection leaders (about 9,500) who have taken part in the "I'm 10-15" Facebook group. These are current and former members of the border patrol. They've posted messages describing Latina lawmakers, who've visited detention centers in Texas, as "hoes." One illustration on the site showed Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez engaged in oral sex with a detained migrant. Another vulgar image is of trump pushing AOC's head into his crotch making disgusting comments. CBP has fired three agents for their participation. A CBP internal review recommended at least seven people be fired and disciplinary action against 20. About 9,500 members and filth all over the site and only a handful of people are being held accountable! This country is becoming morally corrupt to its core, with trump as the head pig. What's going to be left to be proud of in this country, when everyone who works for trump is a degenerate.
teluog...this is truly disgusting. Who hasn't used the expression....."no words"....but what can one say?
What separates us from the Nazi era in Germany is our right to speak out against what is going on..... We must continue to stand up against this new Hitler and make sure our voices are heard.