AdminShiny wrote:
See, this is why Rubio scares me. He is a great debater and he knows his stuff. He sounds pretty good compared to the rest of them. I really hope he doesn't gain any traction.
But seriously doesn't he look like a 12 year old in his fathers suit? He's the one from the start who I think will be a concern, maybe not this go round, but next time for sure.
Cruz has a good beef with the moderators and I think he's pissing them off.
AdminShiny wrote:
Yep, Kasich and Rubio are both doing well so far.
well now we got to add Ted C
AdminShiny wrote:
Cruz has a good beef with the moderators and I think he's pissing them off.
yes he is pissed but he was right in what he said about the Q
snapzz wrote:
AdminShiny wrote:
Cruz has a good beef with the moderators and I think he's pissing them off.
yes I think both are pissed but he was right in what he said about the Q
He was right, the questions are petty and seem to be pitting them against eachother on issues that are not important. "Jeb, why are you low in the polls?" "What's your biggest weakness?"
How about what are your plans on entitlements, the banks, jobs, infrastructure...?
"The government is not supposed to be in every part of our lives," says Carson. The guy who wants to repeal Roe vs Wade and not allow exceptions for rape or incest.
AdminShiny wrote:
He was right, the questions are petty and seem to be pitting them against eachother on issues that are not important. "Jeb, why are you low in the polls?" "What's your biggest weakness?"
How about what are your plans on entitlements, the banks, jobs, infrastructure...?
right "pitting them against eachother" and not about the issues but when do they talk about any issues it's about Dem or Obama
Carly is trying real hard to stay at the big boy's table
snapzz wrote:
Carly is trying real hard to stay at the big boy's table
Ever since her lies about PP and all the damage that did, I find it hard to listen to her without rage.
Good for Ted C because the Mods suck. It's sickning to see the difference in how the Republican candicates are treated in these debates compared to the Dems.
Caribou wrote:
Good for Ted C because the Mods suck. It's sickning to see the difference in how the Republican candicates are treated in these debates compared to the Dems.
LOL, that big bad media after the Republicans again.
I think the mods are pretty bad but the Republicans have looked like bickering children in all of their debates so far.
And that is becasue of the crappy Mods, they're treating them like children. Sorry Shiny but there is a biased difference the moderatoring whether you want to deny it or not. These questions are ridiculous and they keep interupting the candidates in the middle of thier answers. I didn't see that once during the Dem debate.
Last edited by Caribou (10/28/2015 8:28 pm)
Wow, I'm really loving this guy! Rubio that is...
Last edited by Caribou (10/28/2015 8:28 pm)
These mods are terrible!!
Caribou wrote:
And that is becasue of the crappy Mods, they're treating them like children. Sorry Shiny but there is a biased difference the moderatoring whether you want to deny it or not. These questions are ridiculous and they keep interupting the candidates in the middle of thier answers. I didn't see that once during the Dem debate.
I would agree with you about this debate, Caribou. This debate is absolutey terrible, the mods are constantly interrupting, and the questions are almost insulting.
However, the candidates are often not even coming close to answering the questions they are asked, and they are interrupting eachother. During the dem debate the candidates were not overstepping eachother and they were actually staying on point, which eliminated the need for the mods to interrupt so often.
I think we're agreed that these mods are completely terrible.
My favourite tweet so far said:
Winner of the debate: CNN
Also the Dems aren't out everyday specifically insulting each other,especially on a personal level. Some of this is just asking them to back up what some have said. Although I don't condone it.
AdminShiny wrote:
My favourite tweet so far said:
Winner of the debate: CNN
Iwanttodance2 wrote:
AdminShiny wrote:
My favourite tweet so far said:
Winner of the debate: CNNAnderson!!!!
Yeah, he was really good.