As dimwit don gives himself a pat on the back and a "10" for the job he's done with the virus, Dartmouth Hitchcock Hospital, one of the best hospitals in the Northeast is asking for donations of protective gear. Face masks, etc. How messed up as a country do we have to be? They're in N.H., an area that doesn't have very many cases yet. People that own second homes in town (from other states) are showing up to try to ride out the virus. I think the state pretty much has one hospital that could handle the virus if they had enough respirators. Then look at the beaches in Florida, spring break going strong! Nobody in charge! I think I heard that half the people who have the virus in this country are under the age of 65. The republicans still think we're a super power.
We're like sitting ducks and our rich government workers are more interested in doing whatever it takes to keep their jobs.....not doing their jobs. We'll survive this but we really have to get voters out this time. That's if we have an election.
head allowed the wrong message go out in the start.....young people not in direct danger......that the virus will pass over. I wonder how his family is riding this out.
His family will be kept safe, I have no doubt about that, at least the ones he cares about.