trump can't just endorse his candidate for the House in Pennsylvania, he has to personally attack the guy's opponent, American Hero Connor Lamb (D-Pa.), a Marine Corps veteran. trump called him an "American fraud" and a "puppet for crazy Nancy Pelosi." trump's pick is Sean Parnell, and apparently he doesn't have any kind of record to run on, so trump has to use his childish attacks to endorse him. While the rest of us were celebrating Memorial Day honoring the military, trump spent his time playing golf and calling people vile names, (talk about a fraud, don bone spurs trump)." This would be unacceptable behavior for any adult or child in this country, but it's just another day for this mentally ill fool and his equally disturbed followers. I'm ashamed that my country would support such a pig.
I think it's about race. Many of his followers are actually victims of his programs or lack there-of. But they are willing to put up with his ineptitude so he may continue to promote racist activity within our country.