We are tired of you and your shenanigans. You are embarrassing yourself and your followers. And you are putting the country in danger. GET OUT
The rump may need an escort.....and hand-cuffs to get his ass out....
What a horrible sore loser he is....and when he leaves....the lawsuits will get him and put him
where he jail !!!!
I hope he has to pay a price, but I just don't think it'll happen, he'll get a pass. People like him always get away with everything they do, look what's been happening over the last four years, we might as well not have any laws what-so-ever. I live to see him and his whole family locked up. There are a lot of people I'd like to see living under a bridge, eating out of a dumpster.
teluog wrote:
I hope he has to pay a price, but I just don't think it'll happen, he'll get a pass. People like him always get away with everything they do, look what's been happening over the last four years, we might as well not have any laws what-so-ever. I live to see him and his whole family locked up. There are a lot of people I'd like to see living under a bridge, eating out of a dumpster.
Lol. Agree. I heard Ivanka and Jared came to NY and got the big snub. What world do they live in? They get no pass. I am hoping they go the way of the Nixons. His family suffered because of his crimes but you never hear anything about his kids.
I read somewhere that the Trumps think they will be like the Kennedy family! No Trump dynasty.
I am trying not to click on anything online that has to do with the Trumps. We need them to go away.