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2/27/2021 6:30 pm  #1

Nomadland on Hulu

Really really good. Francis McDermot at her best.


3/01/2021 4:55 pm  #2

Re: Nomadland on Hulu

I'll check it out!


3/07/2021 7:05 pm  #3

Re: Nomadland on Hulu

Let me know what you think, teluog.

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3/15/2021 7:10 pm  #4

Re: Nomadland on Hulu

It was good, but made working at an Amazon warehouse look good.  I have to wonder if Amazon required that in exchange for using their warehouse in the movie.  Working at an Amazon warehouse is actually an awful job. 


4/24/2021 8:38 am  #5

Re: Nomadland on Hulu

I didn’t see working at Amazon anything wonderful. Just an oasis in the desert for people who have no money.

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