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GOP House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy appears pathetically desperate to become speaker of the House. That can be the only explanation for McCarthy's flip-flops on rump and now McCarthy's appalling "joke" about hitting Nancy Pelosi.
McCarthy then told the crowd that if the Republicans win the House he wants everyone to come down because "I want you to watch Nancy Pelosi hand me that gavel." After the crowd's cheers died down, he declared, "It will be hard not to hit her with it," a line which elicited big laughs from the GOP audience. McCarthy then added, "But I will bang it down."
A week after the January 6 attack on the US Capitol, McCarthy -- who reportedly had a telephone shouting match with the rump during the insurrection -- declared that the former president "bears responsibility" for the riot.
Just a few weeks ago McCarthy went on a pilgrimage to visit rump at his New Jersey golf course, where he stated, "I appreciate rump's commitment to help House Republicans defeat Democrats and Take Back the House in 2022."
This stupid guy is just as bad as the rump....disgusting joke about hitting a woman!!!
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