For many months we have been trying to reach out to you Dakota Myers* [sic] and you wanted nothing to do with either Bristol's pregnancy or the baby.
Now you're trying to save face by asking for joint custody?
No mas!
*Since she spelled his name wrong, maybe he never got the message?
Last edited by DollyLongstaff (1/06/2016 8:58 am)
I just wonder why Sarah is sticking her nose in and making another public spectacle of herself (and Bristol) over an issue that is - or should be - private and between Bristol and the baby's father. Seems just like a bid for more publicity and a desperate effort to stay in the public eye.
I also do not understand this fight to exterminate both fathers from the lives of these children. Neither seems like a bad person (and they sure were proud to have the engagement to a Medal recipient) and they want to be in their child's life. If Meyers is the father then he does have rights. And what does all this cost in court time and fees? I think it would be better for Bristol to use this money to buy a calendar and some tutor time to learn to count.
Last edited by Sunny@Midnight2 (1/07/2016 5:38 pm)
You make a good point, Sunny. Why is SP objecting to the Father of the baby being a part of his life? But it is hard to make sense of most of what Sarah says & does.
John McCain must kick himself in the butt every day of his life.
This is what low-life does.
The women get knocked up before marriage, the baby daddies don't want to pay child support, the baby mamas drag them to court and play victim, the grandmas chime in and blame the baby daddies and all of a sudden it's a Jerry Springer episode.
Can anyone honestly say the Palins aren't Springer material?
Great points, Sunny. And I would have to agree with Dolly. Since when did having 2 kids by 2 dads without the oh so important heterosexual marriage become something celebrated on social media and everyone's business?
In a few weeks we'll hear the poor Palin defenders saying "leave her alone! It's her business!"
Sam wrote:
You make a good point, Sunny. Why is SP objecting to the Father of the baby being a part of his life? But it is hard to make sense of most of what Sarah says & does.
John McCain must kick himself in the butt every day of his life.
Yes and he should be. He is responsible for bringing this idiot to the forefront. It's not just us....Alaskans can't stand her either.
I think that he has right to be part of his daughters life. From what I read he is not asking for child support. He is asking for joint custody. There is nothing wrong with that, IMO. Not going to be so easy this time to keep her baby's daddy out of the child's life.
As it turns out, Dakota wants joint custody and child support.
Now for the big question, why are the Palins asking him to take a paternity test?
If he was the only man she was having sex with (when she was supposed to be practicing abstinence) who else could the father possibly be?
The Holy Spirit???
Good this true? These people have no shame. Why would Bristol need a paternity test?
I think the father should have custodial rights but child support? No way.
I thought it meant that he wants to pay child support? Which a Parent should in order to provide for their child.
Maybe I am confused? (wouldn't be the first time. )
Why is it that once again Bristol is in a seemingly hostile situation with her baby's daddy, and her mom is getting involved publicly again? Coincidence? Don't these people learn? Have they no shame? Deal with your family issues privately. These people are wanna-be Kardashians who think the world is interested in their every fart and burp.
Call me old fashioned, but what mother takes a 2 week old baby out to dinner at an Eyetalian restaurant on a Friday evening?
I'd say a mother with spaghetti for brains seeking attention.
Last edited by DollyLongstaff (1/12/2016 8:06 am)
I know you were trying to make a joke but I don't see what a problem with her taking the baby out. When A was first born I was super paranoid and didn't take her anywhere for a month but I got over that quickly and when H was born I was taking her with me to the store or other places out and about when she was a couple weeks old.