Oh brother!!
DT's on all three news channels telling everybody that once he's president Merry Christmas will be mandatory in all department stores.
To think I switched over from Maury and missed finding out who Sonia's baby daddy is for this crap.
What a boob.... and his supporters too...all big boobs.
Last edited by DollyLongstaff (1/18/2016 12:06 pm)
He is all CNN seems to want to report on. It is getting really old. This morning I actually changed the channel to a non news channel because litterly every other report is about Trump. So sick of it.
Seriously, why does CNN give this so much attention? Maybe for the ratings, but I think it alienates their core audience.
I know nothing makes me change the channel quicker than seeing DT's lying, fat face.
Last edited by Sam (1/18/2016 12:26 pm)
Yet he's always p*ssing and moaning about how unfairly he's treated by the press.
The UK's Parliament is debating whether to ban Donald Trump from entering England!
Trump tweeted:Leaving for Liberty University. I'll be speaking today in front of a record crowd.
As with other candidates on the campaign trail like Bernie Sanders and Ted Cruz, the address is part of the Liberty University Convocation; the event is mandatory for students to attend.
I saw my first TRUMP car window sticker yesterday in NY. She was a woman in her 30s I would say.
Who would want a person who is tantamount to a used car salesman as President of the United States?
(no offense to car sales people but for POTUS I think we need more)
zeke wrote:
I saw my first TRUMP car window sticker yesterday in NY. She was a woman in her 30s I would say.
Who would want a person who is tantamount to a used car salesman as President of the United States?
(no offense to car sales people but for POTUS I think we need more)
Obviously she is a transplant, and therefore has no New York values
needtosay wrote:
He is all CNN seems to want to report on. It is getting really old. This morning I actually changed the channel to a non news channel because litterly every other report is about Trump. So sick of it.
Need, where have you been? CNN has been doing this for over 6 months. The 24 hour Trump coverage got old a long time ago.
Right NE......forgot about the transplants......and plants, too!