DT: "Oh what a good Christian am I".
(Hope he enjoyed his little cracker.)
DollyLongstaff wrote:
DT: "Oh what a good Christian am I".
(Hope he enjoyed his little cracker.)
lol right
He's such a phony..racist person.....
I wonder what the first reading was?
6 Corinthians?
Book of Jobs?
Trump is such a good Christian.
He and the third wife attended church in Iowa on Sunday and the Donald mistook the communion tray for the collection plate.
Last edited by DollyLongstaff (2/01/2016 1:14 pm)
It actually frightens me that Evangelicals embrace him.
Obviously going to church didn't help him in Iowa.
It's going to be Cruz or Rubio. Both bad for women and various ethnic groups. I like Sanders but I don't think he can win out over these two..... He is labeled as a Socialist which scares people and his religion will become an issue with the Evangelicals. Agh....
zeke wrote:
It's going to be Cruz or Rubio. Both bad for women and various ethnic groups. I like Sanders but I don't think he can win out over these two..... He is labeled as a Socialist which scares people and his religion will become an issue with the Evangelicals. Agh....
Hi zeke!
I agree...Hillary can beat their butts, although I do like Bernie...he does have wacky ideas, that will lose him the election.
Hillary was just declared the winner in Iowa, by the state democrats....and Bernie is still not accepting the results.
Adele the singer is up in arms about the crazy man DT the chump...using her music without her permission.."Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has been warned by the British singer's spokesman about associating himself with Adele's music. The property tycoon has reportedly been using the star's songs such as Rolling In The Deep as "warm-up" music." He just takes and uses people without any regard.....he should just get himself to the doctor....that RED face says a lot about his health.
Racist DT just insults others and thinks he can continue to get away with it....smh!!