A belated Happy New Year to each of you! Since I have not been here in quite awhile I just wanted to check in. I hope you all enjoyed the holidays and will be abundantly blessed during this new year and beyond!
I had a wonderful Christmas holiday season but it ended abruptly on December 27 when I went to the ER that morning with pain in my lower abdomen that got steadily worse. Turned out to be an inflamed gall bladder and pancreatitis. Fortunately I did not lose my gall bladder. The GI doc went down my esophagus and removed "sludge" from the duct between my gall bladder and pancreas and them placed a stent near my gall bladder and one near my pancreas. So far so good. The stent near my pancreas has already been removed and the one near my gall bladder will be removed at the end of March. I will have a different surgery on March 1 to remove a bone mass that is growing at the base of my pinkie finger on my right hand. The hand surgeon is pretty sure it is benign.
I was almost attacked by a pit pull a couple of weeks ago. I walked out of my garage for my daily walk of my subdivision and made it to the sidewalk when I heard a dog barking behind me. Looked around and saw a neighbor's (from the next block) pit bull running towards me (unleashed) and barking. I immediately stopped in my tracks and faced the left side of my body (my brace is on my left leg) towards the dog with my front facing my house. I did not make eye contact with the dog and was holding my cane in my right hand which I would have used as a weapon had it become necessary. The dog stopped about 20 feet away from me when I stopped but continued to bark. I did not know what to do so I just stood there motionless. Fortunately the dog's owner came and led the dog back home. I immediately started walking away to finish my walk, though somewhat unnerved. I shutter to think what would have happened had the owner not shown up. I pass that house every day during my walk and the pit bull is either in the fenced yard or in a window inside the house barking at me. It would have been nice had the owner offered some sort of apology given I pass his house everyday. Now I wear a can of dog repellent around my neck when I go for my walk.
But all of that aside, I am blessed and am thoroughly enjoying life. Oh yes, while I was hospitalized for the gall bladder issue (from the Sunday after Christmas until New Year's Eve, we had a huge storm here that blew over two huge trees in my yard, uprooting them. Luckily no one was hurt and there was no property damage even thought the trees fell on my privacy fence. The trees fell on a Monday but my family did not tell me about it until that Wednesday when one sister asked the other sister if she had told me about the trees and I of course immediately asked "what trees???" I had the fallen trees removed the day after New Year's and that was not cheap. But life ain't cheap!
I recently received my Medicare card so I am now officially old. But I don't feel old. I had my annual echo cardiogram of my heart done recently and my cardiologist ( I see him because I have hypertension) was very pleased with the results. My heart pumps at 70% which is a 5% improvement from last year. Anything over 50% is good. My hand surgeon said that is the rate of a 17 year old. My daily exercise seems to be paying off.
I watch the View infrequently and spend much more time watching court shows like the Peoples Court. I absolutely adore Judge Marilyn Milian. She is hysterical!.
I will try to check in here from time to time to see how everyone is doing. I am looking forward to catching up! Take care, everyone!
Good to see you on here have been missed!
Wow! what an exciting life you lead...all kidding aside, happy that all turned out fine with your health issues.
That dog owner should be fined for having his dog off the leash. Fortunately, you did the right thing by not confronting him...that was very brave of you. I would have been tempted to run.. That's a good idea about the dog repellent...hope that you never need to use it.
Please come and see us more often...I like reading about all the excitement in your world..
Happy Valentines Day!
Hi Ultra. Wow and wow. You have had a lot going on. I encourage you to check in here more often so we may offer you support. And Happy New Year!
I don't understand people. How can that neighbor not offer an apology? You probably could have caused him some grief given the fact that the dog was not leashed and scared the _ _ _ _ out of you. Just don't get it.
I am happy you are back in better health. None of us are getting younger by the minute so it's always good to hear a happy ending to a risky health story. I have just recently become a member of the Vertigo Society. (joking) I woke up to a spinning room one morning and a hurting chest. Ended up in the ER where they said I had to spend the night in the hospital. They thought it was a heart issue but noooo! Vertigo. I never knew there were so many people who have it. No meds for it. Anything they give you causes drowsiness. I now sleep almost sitting up to balance my rock crystals (in the ears) and that seems to have solved the problem. I have my fingers crossed. I never stopped driving the whole time but I stayed mostly in the slow lane which is not like me at all.
Come and post as often as possible. It's nice here. Update us on the morning thread.
After reading the posts by Spunky and Zeke, I had to laugh. I view my life as anything but exciting. When stuff is actually happening in your life you do not view it the same way as others. But after re-reading my own post, I must admit it did sound kind of interesting. And Spunky, I was not being brave by not running from that dog - I can't run! With a damaged nerve in my left leg, I would most likely fall flat on my face if I tried to run. But I did realize that dogs love the chase and I knew if I tried to flee, he would win.I actually had an encounter with another pit bull a few years ago at my previous house. I had just arrived home and got out of my car to go inside my house. The pit bull that lived across the street, Dora, came running after me but one of the kids she was playing with came to the rescue. It was unusual for Dora to be outside without her adult owner. BTW, Dora is the one and only pit bull that I find cute. I previously had tried to make friends with her but she was not interested. That owner never apologized to me either.
Zeke, I hope you are abl to keep the vertigo under control. I did not know there was no treatment for it. Is it some kind of inner ear thing?
Last edited by Ultrablue (2/13/2016 11:15 pm)
Yes Ultra. There are rock crystals in the ears and if they become imbalanced, positional vertigo may occur. (layman's explanation). There are balance centers one may go to for vertigo, dizziness, balance disorders, and concussions. I elected not to go because I just don't have much time....but I ordered a "My Pillow" to help me. Elevating my head seems to have solved my problem. But the balance centers may help to find the cause of the problem and figure out a remedy.
Pit Bulls- Too many, poorly trained (I mean the owners).