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2/15/2016 9:58 am  #1

Is there really a war on cops?

There has been a sharp increase in officers dying or being shot in the line of duty.  At this time last year there was only one police officer death and this year so far there have been 8.  There have also been 3 or 4 that have been shot but survived.  Do you think there is a war on cops or do you think that it is just coincidence to all the tension between law enforcement and BLM followers?

No matter how educated, talented, rich, or cool you think you are, how you treat people tells us all.  Integrity is everything.

2/15/2016 10:44 am  #2

Re: Is there really a war on cops?

I do not think there is a war on cops. I think there are angry individuals out there who will act out their anger issues on cops, especially given the current climate.
need..... I know you are sensitive to this subject and I understand that you have a lot of members of law enforcement in your family, but this business of blacks being killed by cops without penalty has been going on Forever. Blacks all over the country are outraged by these killings, beatings, and other injustices. The outrage has nothing to do with the organization BLM.


2/15/2016 11:20 am  #3

Re: Is there really a war on cops?

There is a lot of tension between the police and some communities....unfortunately some shootings/killing of black people were unjustified

However, NOT all police officers are bad people or start out trying to kill someone. I too come from a family of Police Officers....and NOT one of them ever shot anyone.

But I do think that times are changing and this has caused many shootings of innocent people that didn't deserve to be killed and of innocent cops getting shot or killed, that were  just out there trying to do their job.  Get rid of the bad cops...and arrest the culprits responsible for the crimes.

I don't know what the answer is...but somethings need to change.... More communities have to band with the Police, because when they do need help...they will dial 911....

BLM I believe came about...because many communities treated the shootings of black youths as if they didn't matter and thereby justified...and that is wrong.  Everyone matters....


2/15/2016 11:33 am  #4

Re: Is there really a war on cops?

I think the remedy is higher education required for the job of policing, the hiring of more policemen/women who reflect the cultural/racial make up of a given community, and the prosecution of the minority of "bad" cops.


2/15/2016 12:26 pm  #5

Re: Is there really a war on cops?

Zeke, the problem for me is just about all the cases the BLM hold up as examples of wrongful police shootings are actually justified.  I know racism exists in police departments and sherriff departments but the BLM looses credibility when they hold up justified shootings as examples.  Show me shootings that are truly unjustified where the person did not brandish a weapon, try to escape, become aggressive and threatening towards the police, and I could probably get behind the cause.  As far as education I partly agree with you.  Most police departments require officers to be graduated from the police academy. Those that don't should.  Their training is extensive and they have required annual training as well.  Those that don't require it should. I know that Sheriff departments don't usually require it.  They have much laxer hiring standards than police departments.  Maybe a state law that would require it for all law enforcement.  I am all for training and reinforcement training on a regular basis for police.  Now I have to ask, do you think maybe there needs to be some changes from within the African American communities as well?  Maybe some education there as well?  I know I am always shocked when I get into these discussions with African American people on social media.  They really seem to think that police officers should be devoid of emotions and have no fears when doing their jobs. I get told all the time that if they shouldn't be police officers if they feel fear or have human reactions.  Honestly maybe some education can be useful both ways.

No matter how educated, talented, rich, or cool you think you are, how you treat people tells us all.  Integrity is everything.
     Thread Starter

2/16/2016 7:30 pm  #6

Re: Is there really a war on cops?

Here's what I think. I think it would behoove all of us if we all stop hearing the voice of one or a couple of people and assuming they speak for the whole group. I think that happens a lot in general but I think it happens especially when it comes to African Americans. There is always talk of a leader for the African Americans but never a leader for Italians, Irish, Jews.....ever hear of a leader for American Indians? I don't think African Americans needs a spokesperson. There are times when a crisis arises and sometimes leaders come to the forefront but that does not mean that that person will then and forever speak for all blacks.
Do I think police officers should be without basic human feelings like fear and other emotions? No. The difference is the way in which they react and carry themselves in a given situation. That is the difference. That is where proper training and higher education may determine the outcome of an event.
Example:  If a white cop has basic fears or dislike of black people, should that cop be policing a predominantly black neighborhood?


2/16/2016 7:49 pm  #7

Re: Is there really a war on cops?

zeke wrote:

I think the remedy is higher education required for the job of policing, the hiring of more policemen/women who reflect the cultural/racial make up of a given community, and the prosecution of the minority of "bad" cops.

I agree with you, zeke.

I would also add that Officers do not always need to "shoot to kill".  In some situations, where the perp is unarmed, a shot in the leg would work just fine. That is why I think that training is so important.  Physical training as well as psychological training. There is more than one way to stop a criminal. Shooting to kill is not always necessary.


2/16/2016 8:11 pm  #8

Re: Is there really a war on cops?

Totally agree Sam.


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