Good morning every-1
1. The first product to have a bar code was {Wrigley’s gum}
2. Within a deck of cards, what king is without a mustache { King of hearts}
3. What is the only planet that rotates clockwise { Venus}
4. What plan wingspan is longer then the Wright brother’s first flight {Boeing 747}
5. The first CD pressed in the US was by who {Bruce Springsteen’s-Born in the USA}
Hope everyone had fun this week, there will not be anything posted Friday but will be back Monday, so have a great weekend all and see you Monday morning.
Last edited by snapzz (2/18/2016 12:45 pm)
Good morning!
1. I think a can of corn in Canton Ohio. Edit:I am wrong on the corn. I remembered that it was gum not corn & sold in Ohio. No idea where the corn came from lol.
2. I am going to guess king of spades.
4. No idea.
5. Bruce Springsteen Born in the U.S.A.
Thanks for starting trivia!
Last edited by Vantro (2/18/2016 9:13 am)
1. The first product to have a bar code was
2. Within a deck of cards, what king is without a mustache
3. What is the only planet that rotates clockwise
4. What plan wingspan is longer then the Wright brother’s first flight
5. The first CD pressed in the US was by who
Bruce Springsteen "born in the USA"
Thanks Snapzz....great job as usual!! So glad you are here with us!
Vantro wrote:
Good morning!
1. I think a can of corn in Canton Ohio. Edit:I am wrong on the corn. I remembered that it was gum not corn & sold in Ohio. No idea where the corn came from lol. {Wrigley’s gum}
2. I am going to guess king of spades.{ King of hearts}
3.Venus Right { Venus}
4. No idea.{Boeing 747}
5. Bruce Springsteen Born in the U.S.A. Right {Bruce Springsteen’s-Born in the USA}
Thanks for starting trivia!
Spunky wrote:
1. The first product to have a bar code was
Gum right {Wrigley’s gum}
2. Within a deck of cards, what king is without a mustache
??{ King of hearts}
3. What is the only planet that rotates clockwise
Venus Rigth { Venus}
4. What plan wingspan is longer then the Wright brother’s first flight
??{Boeing 747}
5. The first CD pressed in the US was by who
Bruce Springsteen "born in the USA" Right {Bruce Springsteen’s-Born in the USA}
Thanks Snapzz....great job as usual!! So glad you are here with us!