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2/20/2016 10:44 am  #1

Russian TV Trashes Obamas

Dmitry Kiselyov, host of the Russian TV program News of the Week, announced on Feb. 14 that he has a new prerogative besides domestic reportage: trashing the Obamas and exposing "American corruption."

To do this, the television personality plans to release a documentary on the subject - and apparently it involves airing a 10-minute video of a computer-animated Michelle Obama hanging out during a trip to Spain taken six years ago.

 First reported by the New York Observer for the American press, the Observer calls the clip a "trailer," but it resembles a news package more than anything else - albeit with some unusual additions for a presumably hard-hitting piece.

Titled "Emperor Obama: The first US family spends taxpayers' money," the video features a recreation done entirely in CGI of FLOTUS' departure during a 2010 trip from a hotel in Spain that has since been purportedly named "Villa Obama."

Redolent of a hotel-themed expansion pack for The Sims, the animation includes shots of people rolling out a red carpet, bodyguards with rage-contorted faces heckling admirers on the sidelines, and cartoon paparazzi taking pictures of Michelle, Malia and Sasha with an alleged 40 of their closest friends.

The highlight? A quick bit with a photographer actually getting tasered.

The video is interspersed with supposed figures of how much "tax-payer money" went toward the jaunt, though sources for the data go unnamed.

Looky, looky....

At the end of the trailer there's on-screen flash of Michelle Malkin's Culture of Corruption - a 2009 critique of the Obama administration doused with an inarguably right-wing bias - that flashes onscreen toward the end, the tome might be the inspiration and/or source material behind the Russian doc.

Interesting tidbit: Michelle Malkin hates the Obamas with the heat of a thousand suns.

Here's the video. It's in Russian, but you'll get the gist.

SPEW ALERT beginning at 2:00.


Last edited by DollyLongstaff (2/20/2016 10:52 am)

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2/20/2016 10:58 am  #2

Re: Russian TV Trashes Obamas

A blast from the past...We’ve played this game before, but anytime the nation’s first black president spends more than a dollar, the right wing freaks out about Barack Obama “wasting taxpayer dollars.”

Back in 2011, the right claimed that First Lady Obama’s Africa trip would cost taxpayers millions, but even if you use numbers that the White House disagrees with ($424,000), they weren’t even close.

This time the right has whipped up the fake outrage over a leaked document showing that President Obama’s upcoming Africa trip could cost $60-$100 million. What these same people don’t tell is that George and Laura Bush loved to go to Africa on the taxpayers’ dime…a lot.

During Bush’s second term alone, Laura Bush made five “goodwill” trips to Africa.

President Bush made the trip twice during his presidency.

Here is former First Lady Bush at an event the night before their trip in 2008, “Tomorrow, President Bush and I leave for what will be my fifth trip to Africa since 2001, and his second trip to Africa since 2001.

I’ve seen the determination of the people across Africa — and the compassion of the people of the United States of America.”

Wow, that’s a lot of trips to Africa. In 2007, Laura Bush also took her daughters with her, and they went on a safari. You know, the same kind of outing that President Obama just canceled.

Why could the country afford to spend billions of dollars during Bush’s no growth economy, but they can’t afford to spend at least $60 million for the sitting president to travel today?

Giving aid to Africa to combat malaria and AIDS is a very noble cause. It literally saves lives, but 5 goodwill visits to Africa aren’t cheap. Laura Bush wasn’t flying all alone on a commercial flight.

Her trips cost the taxpayers a pretty penny.


Last edited by DollyLongstaff (2/20/2016 11:01 am)

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2/20/2016 11:06 am  #3

Re: Russian TV Trashes Obamas

During Bush’s two terms, the cost of operating Air Force One ranged from $56,800 to $68,000 an hour. Bush used Air Force One 77 times to go to his ranch in Crawford, TX. Using the low end cost of $56,800, Media Matters calculated that each trip to Crawford cost taxpayers $259,687 each time, and $20 million total for Bush’s ranch flights.

If cost of the flight was the only expense involved to taxpayers Bush’s vacations would still seem rather economical, but there is more, much more. Unlike the Obama’s $4 million Christmas vacation price tag, which includes the cost of everything from transportation to accommodations for the First Family, the White House staff, and the White House press corps, Bush’s numbers only include the cost of flying the president to Crawford. The cost of transporting and accommodating staff, media, friends and family is not included in Bush’s vacation numbers.

In response to growing criticism that the president was on vacation too much, the Bush administration adopted the Rovian tactic of scheduling, “work events,” while the president was in Crawford so that they could claim that President Bush’s vacations were working vacations. During his infamous pre-9/11 August vacation, the AP reported that, “Using the ranch as a base, he will promote White House initiatives in Rocky Mountain National Park, Denver, Albuquerque, Milwaukee, Pittsburgh and San Antonio.”

Bush’s “working vacations” cost taxpayers a small fortune in travel costs because President Bush and his staff would make day trips on Air Force One all across the country in order to counter the criticism that he was on vacation too often. For eight years, Bush essentially used Air Force One as his personal vacation taxi service.

Last edited by DollyLongstaff (2/20/2016 11:06 am)

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2/22/2016 8:29 am  #4

Re: Russian TV Trashes Obamas

[b]Limbaugh: (Mrs.)Obama is "taking 40 of her best friends and leasing 60 rooms in a five-star hotel -- paid for by you."

Punchy Tantaros:
Michelle Obama's vacation with "40 of her 'closest friends.' [/b]

First, some numbers. Mrs. Obama did not travel with 40 friends, a number used by some news outlets.She vacationed with two women, one of them a longtime Chicago pal, Anita Blanchard, who is the obstetrician who delivered Sasha and Malia.

Blanchard is married to Marty Nesbitt -- President Obama's buddy and the treasurer of Obama's presidential campaign fund.

There was one other woman. Total: four daughters among the three women. They paid for their hotel rooms and other personal and travel expenses.The trip involved six White House advance staffers and two East Wing staffers, deputy Chief of Staff Melissa Winter and Mrs. Obama's personal assistant, Kristen Jarvis, according to Mrs. Obama's spokeswoman Catherine McCormick Lelyveld.

Dana Perino: Well, a couple of things. I think a lot of people were frustrated by reports that said that the American taxpayer were paying for 40 rooms at this exclusive resort. That's not true. I mean, she pays for her own way, her friends pay their own way, and we pay for the security. But I don't think any of us should begrudge her security, and I just think that it was a little bit off-limits.

Last edited by DollyLongstaff (2/22/2016 8:31 am)

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2/22/2016 8:35 am  #5

Re: Russian TV Trashes Obamas

The Faux Scandal of Michelle Obama’s Spain Trip
(US News and World Report)

We checked with the White House for a price breakdown of the trip, looking for a smoking gun. And honestly, there isn’t one. The bulk of the trip—the hotel stay and all meals—were paid for by the Obamas and their close friends who joined them. “Any additional footprint,” says a White House aide, “including additional rooms needed for security support, falls under the same rules as have applied to any previous first-family travel: the costs are split appropriately, with private expenses paid for privately; government expenses are paid for by the government.”

The unmentioned point here is that the first lady doesn’t travel with that big a security detail. The Secret Service obviously won’t discuss the extent of her protective covering. But she’s nothing like her husband, or any recent past president, who has been known to have a 20-car (or more) motorcade, as well as two planes, up to three helicopters, and more than 100 staffers for even ordinary puddle-jumping trips for a speech about the economy. Overkill? Maybe. But the Secret Service would say that it’s just part of the cost of having an executive and keeping him safe.

Last edited by DollyLongstaff (2/22/2016 8:37 am)

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2/22/2016 8:38 am  #6

Re: Russian TV Trashes Obamas

NY Times: The first lady will pay "for her own room, food and transportation." The New York Times reported that Michelle Obama and her friends paid their own vacation costs. Additionally, the Tribune reported that Michelle Obama's family friends "arrived in Spain on their own" and that because Michelle Obama and her daughter flew on an Air Force jet, "[t]he Obama family will reimburse the government an amount equal to two first-class tickets." The government will pick up the tab for the Obamas' security, but it is the Secret Service -- not Michelle Obama -- that decides the amount of security needed.

From the August 6 New York Times article:

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2/22/2016 8:48 am  #7

Re: Russian TV Trashes Obamas

There had been more lies spewed about Michelle Obama than any other FLOTUS in history.

Next thing you know the haters will be spreading rumors that Michelle's really a man addressed as "Mickey" by the president and close friends .

Last edited by DollyLongstaff (2/22/2016 8:51 am)

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2/22/2016 8:53 am  #8

Re: Russian TV Trashes Obamas

I must be psychic.
I just found this on Breitbart.

Persistent Information Surfaces That Michelle Obama Was Born A Man.

Last edited by DollyLongstaff (2/22/2016 8:53 am)

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2/22/2016 8:57 am  #9

Re: Russian TV Trashes Obamas

The website called The DC Clothesline reveals video and photographic evidence for what its claims is Michelle Obama has a “penis” and hence is still a man, as well as having apparently been born as one.  

Last edited by DollyLongstaff (2/22/2016 8:57 am)

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2/22/2016 9:01 am  #10

Re: Russian TV Trashes Obamas

Even more proof...


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