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3/11/2016 9:41 am  #1

Robert Morrow: Texas GOP Chair

This cuckoo is out to "out" any politician he thinks is a closeted gay, lesbian or bi-sexual.

He's already labeled Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Rick Perry and George W. Bush as all being either gay or bisexual.

( What about John McCain's work wife, Lindsay Graham, you may very well ask?)

"If they’re doing things wrong politically, they’ll hear about it from me, and if they have a wildly hypocritical sexual life, especially if they’re a married man and if it involves adultery with strippers, hookers and gay prostitutes," Morrow said. "I just love exposing these sexual hypocrites in the Republican Party, especially these closeted homosexuals."

"You need to Google a picture of George W. Bush kissing the bald head of Jeff Gannon, who’s a bald-headed gay prostitute who was posing as a journalist in the White House press corps," Morrow said. "It makes me wonder if Karl Rove got him that journalist’s pass. It makes me wonder if Jeff Gannon was having sex with Karl Rove. Jeff Gannon was a gay prostitute who was known for being a top. Do you know what a top is, and a bottom? Jeff Gannon was a top, and he was running around the Bush White House like he was a stray cat." 

Along with Flint, the "guvment" should maybe test the water in Texas.

Last edited by DollyLongstaff (3/11/2016 9:47 am)

Back with a vengeance possums!

3/11/2016 9:47 am  #2

Re: Robert Morrow: Texas GOP Chair

Robert Morrow ‎@RobMorroLiberty
I do NOT hate faggots. Just the gay rights movement. Their (sic) is a difference.

Last edited by DollyLongstaff (3/11/2016 9:51 am)

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